Energy Control

Luna couldn't help but cheer. She had been trying harder and harder for a long time, not doing anything more than tickling that piece of metal. It had made her pretty frustrated, but now she finally got some results.

"Nice. Now you just gotta get proficient at that. Start pushing the limits of your mana control. Experiment with different ways of throwing your lances. Maybe start using different weapons. You can take a break from this and practice forming your ice." (Dream)

"Ok. Have you finished your forging?" (Luna)

"Not yet. It just has to cook a bit."


"You know what, maybe we should all practice together. I have elemental magic too that I haven't used. Let's sit."

Dream summoned chairs for the three to sit in.

"What should I practice?" (Iris)

"Hmm... I want you to make shapes with your fire."

"Shapes? Why shapes? Why not just practice making my fire hotter or something?"

"Because you need to learn to control your fire. The way to level up your skill is through practicing m
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