71. The Woman's Smile, Suci

Saka is currently on campus, and soon he will be compiling his final project. Lectures are only in the final semester, so there are only a few left. Saka also had to go through his education period; he had to make his mother proud.

"Hey, Saka!" Evans greeted again. Saka was already in college again. Saka was already in college. Class time was empty at that time.

"Why, Evans?" Saka cupped his hands forward to support his head. He is very sleepy today.

"Guess who I'm proposing?" he asked.

"Proposed by a rich woman?" asked the Saka speaker of origin.

"What are you doing, Saka?" "Of course, I was proposed to by one of the third strongest guilds in our country!" said Evans as his eyes lit up and he shook Saka's shoulders. "I have to thank you because you introduced me to the great game Universal Chaos. "Shortly, I will be making my debut as a pro player, Saka!"

"To which guild did you propose?"

"Doboss Guild! "Our country's top three guilds are the strongest."

"Doboss!" Saka thought about
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