He looked at the barrier and shook his head critically. History was repeating itself, or the gods were simply mocking him. Opening one door, he found another. Sweeping his hand across the ice beam, Tant touched the triangle pattern. A similar bas-relief was laid out on the wall near the waterfall.

Sending a firefly there, he strode down the stairs, looking at the wall pattern. There were triangles everywhere, but this one was the biggest. Its top looked down, and from each side stretched a jagged blade, the end of which rested on a sphere.

Still not sure where he was, Tant went down to the water and looked at the piles of mossy clay near the waterfall. The embankment, which occupied a good half of the hall, grew there for a reason. If there was a way out, it was right behind her.

“ The water is salty,” Tant said, bringing a handful to his lips. We are definitely not in the mountains. Probably near the east coast.

– Why with the eastern one? - I heard the angry voice of Taur.

“ Because the west and north are a hundred miles from the seal. If we moved there, I would be the only one left alive.

Taur cursed in a whisper and sat down on the steps. Sebastian came down to them. The Southerner was the last to enter the hall, unbuttoning the buttonholes of his jerkin as he went. The witch's husband slowly approached him. The beauty of his face was greatly spoiled by fatigue.

“ You have three balls, leader. Better tell them right away what's going to happen next, - breathing heavily, said Sebastian. “One will take you back to the city of the ancients, but the other two are certain death for everyone except you and your brothers.

Tant looked at the foamy jet that spouted from a crack under the triangle. Ten people could not leave the underground sanctuary at the same time. Magor practitioners charged bolas so that only trained people would use them. The wider the distance, the more dangerous the span became and the more forces it required.

- So, two people will return to the gorge with Holden? Taur clarified, tapping his fingers on the hilt of the dagger.

- Yes. At this time, I, Engure and Silas will go to kenovia. My brothers will master the flight.

“ I’m happy for you six,” Yuller rasped. – What about the others?

Speaking of the rest, the southerner had in mind the four poor fellows from the laity, who did not have the notorious internal energy.

“ I almost died when I got here,” said Taur. – How can I be? I won't survive the jump back.

" Let's check out the ancient bola," said Kord. “Suddenly it will work.

Yuller and Sebastian laughed. As usual, a fresh thought visited the youngest head. Tante breathed a sigh of relief. From stuffiness, he himself stopped thinking.

- What if it doesn't work? - the tall porter did not let up. - How do we get out then? Tell me now, Reverend. Our spark in the ass?

No , Taur. I'll get the strengthening amulets from kenovia, go back through the seal, and pick up the rest in two trips. Nothing threatens you.

Saying this, Tant felt a slight dizziness. He wanted to go upstairs, but an insinuating female voice in his ear made him sway. The whisper came from where Sebastian stood.

" Master Tant? " Are you unwell? Kord was worried, taking his arm.

Tantus looked at the southerner in dismay. The witch's husband was a handsome fellow, but not enough to start speaking in a female voice, and the situation was not conducive to jokes. Meanwhile, the woman continued to exhort, demanding to stay with her, and send the extra people away.

“ Some kind of nonsense,” he said, measuring Sebastian with a detached gaze.

“ Your reverence, what’s the nonsense?”

– This voice? Does anyone hear him? he said, waving the firefly down towards them with a wave of his hand.

A silvery light illuminated sweaty faces. Nine people were silent. Tant began to turn his head, trying to make out where the words came from.

“ Master, is someone talking to you?” What do you hear?

- It's blurry. I heard voices too when I woke up,” Rick explained, grabbing him by the sleeve of his robe. - You need to go up! If you lose consciousness, you won't be able to wake up.

- Tell me what do you hear? Silas insisted, holding the torch to his face.

- There's a woman here. She wants you to leave and I stay.

Rick scooped him up and dragged him to the stairs. Tant went reluctantly, but a booming knock made everyone stop. Something heavy fell from the ceiling. Sand poured down. From the darkness, a huge stone block collapsed on them and, miraculously without hitting anyone, rolled into the lake.

- There is someone here! Taur yelled, drawing his dagger.

They huddled together. Yuller drew his axe. Holden sent the firefly around. A snow-white ball slid along the walls, crossed the stream of the waterfall and touched the doors.

“ These are ghosts,” Taur muttered, running from place to place. "What are you doing, Reverend?" Pray or hit them with something!

“ I don't know what it is. She whispers... Wants you to leave.

- With joy!

Taur ran up the stairs and soon disappeared from sight. Another porter ran after him. The rest followed Sebastian. The southerner again looked in the mirror, moving it around.

- Ghosts don't exist. My wife did the same. It helps when you need to hide...

He stuttered. The people around him backed away. The mirror stopped on an earthy slope beyond the lake, and in it Tant saw a waterfall, and next to it was a kind of mulberry cocoon surrounded by a halo of ghostly light.

At the same moment, the cocoon burst, taking on the outlines of a tall figure. A pale woman in a transparent white dress stood on a mossy knoll; like a beautiful marble statue, dignified and majestic. Her thin bridge of nose, under neat eyebrows, was slightly raised. Her black hair slid in two straight strands over her sharp chest. She seemed beautiful and at the same time disgusting. Even from a distance it was noticeable that she had no eyes. For some time the stranger did not move, but noticing their glances, she grinned angrily.

– Nismass have mercy! It is looking at us! Silas murmured.

Tant took out the fire whirl bola from the case and ordered everyone to run to the hall with the seal, but they already understood everything. He was distracted only for a moment, and when he turned, the woman was already standing on the shore, clutching some object in her right hand.

- Stop! In the name of Nismass,” Tant whispered, raising his hand.

The pale one stepped forward and turned into smoke. Instantly dissolving into the darkness, she appeared already above, hitting the target in her swing. The second porter grabbed his throat and rolled down the steps. The rest scattered. Tant ran his fingers over the bole. Three fiery tentacles sprouted from his palm. As soon as they intertwined, he swung, releasing a fiery jet.

A jet of flame struck the void.

A stranger appeared behind him and grabbed his shoulder. Rick was the only one left. The guide threw a knife at her, but the figure again went out into the smoke.

- Master Tantabas! Hurry! Holden yelled from above.

Tant gathered up the hem of his robes and ran up the steps. The three of them crossed the hall with the metal column and quickly caught up with the others. All the while, the sound of slow footsteps echoed behind me.

Pausing in the empty hall, Tant demanded a strengthening potion from Engure. He plunged his hand into the bag and immediately backed away.

- What are you staring at? Hurry up,” Rick demanded, noticing that the listener was looking at him.

Behind the yeoman's back, white smoke grew. The conductor did not understand anything, having met a short blade with the back of his head. Yuller swung his axe, but the woman dodged and, slipping under his arm, drove the dagger into his heart. Both fell to the floor at the same time. Everyone ran again, but the pale woman did not even look at them. Her attention was riveted on the lone Engure, fleeing back into the darkness in a panic.

Tant himself did not understand how he found himself in the hall with the seal and did it faster than the others. He was barely breathing, breaking into a wheeze. Holden brought him a vial of potion.

“ Master Tant,” Kord pleaded, wrapping his arms around him. Let's get out of here soon!

A scream came from the door. He looked back, noticing Sebastian's body rolling down. The ill-fated mirror shattered in the darkness before the corpse of the curious southerner reached the last step.

– Who was there? Who are you running from? shouted Taur, holding a dagger and a torch in front of him.

He had been standing in the hall for some time. Tant ordered everyone to take a place in the center of the seal and ran his fingers over the stone several times, but nothing happened. Then he took out his bola. Holden and Silas stared in dismay at the piece of mica that had a firebloom bud sewn into it with silver threads.

We 're going to Kenovia. We'll inform Master Thorgrim. Let the Order deal with her.

Cord after these words all shook. Tant ruffled his tousled hair and turned to the porter.

- Taur, you will not master the span. Hide by the stairs, turn off the lights and close your eyes.

The mighty porter looked at the burning torch, but left the seal. Tante waved his hand. Opposite there was a tiny hole. The funnel slowly grew, pulling them inside. At the same time, a pursuer appeared at the door. The pale one swung, throwing a blade at them, but the magical whirlwind slowed it down. The outlines of the hall began to move. Four in a bunch with difficulty entered the void. There was not enough charge in the bole, but Tant decided to go to the end.

All hope remained on the size of the satellites. Kord and Silas were still small.

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