Master of the Fallen Arc: Last Chapter

Giant body parts were scattered across the mountain-top plateau, and giant spears pierced each of them, pinning them to the ground.




One of the giant feet, five meters tall, had been driven into the ground by a ruby-decorated spear...

The other giant foot with a topaz-covered spear...

One of the giant arms was pierced by an emerald spear...

The other arm is with the amber spear...

Three gold-plated spears held the massive body steady...

And a spear made of the most special raw material was stuck in the forehead of the giant head. That special stuff a Root can never even come close to... The special material found underground in the points that Danesh has declared as Safe Zones to the whole World... Dark Matter!




"" Master of the Fallen was on the verge of death as he spoke his last words...

"My being fifth in the Roots' power pyramid on this planet has always been a hoax, old friend... By me... And you have fallen into this trap of mine..."

"Come on, Doom. You
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