Chapter 25.

After Juilet and her brother left, Anna paced up and down the room she used to share with George thinking of how to tell her foster parents that she was not interested in the marriage.

She wanted to tell them it had all been fake and pretense because she no longer hated George. She wanted to stick to him and try out their marriage with him again.

She wanted them to start anew by loving each other, other than hating each other.

She had come to realize that even though George wasn't also in support of the Marriage from the onset, he was able to adjust and easily accept her.

He had always stood up for her and had shown her great care but she never returned it because she always blamed him for their marriage.

She had always told him that if he didn't show up in their life, her life would have been better with the man she loved.

She sighed as she felt very bad about everything. She thought about where George might be passing the night since she was asked to leave.

He had earlier told her h
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