Do I know you?

"Seeing how they are dressed different from the rest of the students and I wasn't included, I guess nobody expects anything from me anymore, it hurts a bit though, that I was forgotten, well I wouldn't blame them we don't even know each other, apart from the time during the test and the mage tower we are all practically strangers, but I still feel a little hurt, even non of them including Freya could even check up on me" Nicholas muttered to himself, seeing the five of them acting like he was air, except Carter who just likes to add salt into injury, he felt hurt and unhappy.

Until someone tapped on his shoulders from behind, but as soon as he turned to see the person tapping him, he received a punch directly in the stomach, although the hand that throw the punch was delicate and soft and it contained no amount of power.

The crowd seeing this opened their mouth again, this time was even worse than when Nicholas came into the waiting room, he was punched by one of the school beauty of
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