040. No way

Rendy slowed his pace, turning his head momentarily behind Tristan and Allen who were still looking at the somber expression–– losing one of their friends.

After the incident, no one spoke at all. All were preoccupied with their own thoughts, as well as Rendy who repeatedly conversed himself silently.

He has failed to become a leader, overestimating the situation to the point of putting the danger to the forefront. And don't know how many times he has breathed a long breath, his shoulders declining even more with his expression getting hardened.

"In front of there, what place it is?"

Edgar strode over, taking a spot to the side of Rendy who suddenly turned his head to him. "Presidential palace."

Edmund and Halord who were behind so raised their faces, looking in the direction pointed by Edgar.

Tristan and Allen, too, looked up faintly. The more he remembered Deon who was gone.

"There seems to be chaos going on in the presidential palace, until smoke billows everywhere." Edgar said fro
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