All Reasons Aside

”Was it really okay sending him on his own?” Kira had her doubts about such an idea, but with Magi having authority over his brother, she couldn't attest to it.

Magi knew that he was the only one that could even get in contact with Ruriko without a problem. Besides, it was Kurumi who had made the others agree.

”We’ve been there before. Although I could have gone with him there, Cian himself insisted to go alone.” Kurumi crossed her arms, her weird position on the chair catching everyone’s attention as she straddled it as it was turned around.

There were five people in the training room of the Red Trackers. Kira, Vincent, Magi, Kurumi, and Saeko. Violet was still working on certain things like Magi’s Grant as they continued to constantly look for a match on the Grant’s data.

Sabrine was at Teresa’s place, sent by Magi to assist her after the number of their customers skyrocketed.

”Who knows? Maybe he wants to fool around as well. I mean, he’s a man so he definitely has some needs as w
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