34. Headway

“The only pictures worth making are the ones that are playing with fire.”

~ Billy Wilder

Isabella walked into the forensic department of the police force with renewed zeal and focus. She moved with a strong and firm desire to catch the arsonist. After hitting a head block for weeks, she was hoping for a miracle.

She has left the hospital after Johan had woken up and even though she had seen him briefly, they had not spoken to each other. What was she supposed to say, ' hey, I’m sorry for not backing you up', ' I’m sorry you got hurt while I was being a mess', ' I’m your partner and I suck'.

She sighed, pushing the doors to the lab where the evidence from the crime scene was being analyzed. She spotted Hayden before he saw her.

“ Hey” Hayden called with a wave.

She went to stand next to him, looking through the transparent glass separating them from the lab.

“ hey, what’s the news.?” She asked Hayden.

The man flicked his gaze briefly to her before he sighed.

“ you know
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