New Form: Hadjan

This is an update to the recent declaration of manhunt against the 21 soul remnants of Trixius the great.

We would, of utmost urgency inform all the World's and associated realms about the new divination of the ones called Ascenders.

Indeed, you would recall that a fortnight ago, we have posted a World Order, declaring the identification of these so called Abominations of Trixius, the Ascenders, and what forms they most likely inhabit.

But, of recent times, new development has made our previous record to be inadequate. Of which reason we are putting forward a new declaration. 

The vile Ascenders known to inhabit various demonic beasts have, perhaps in response to our hunt of them, evolved, taking upon themselves, the very form and make of animate beings.

No longer do they subject themselves to beastiality as before wherewith they struck terror into our hearts but now they walk among us, as one of us.

While we may not have sufficiently a

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