Chapter 23

A loud crack was heard by everyone in the street. All of the passerbys around Zhang Xuan turned to look at what had just happened, the loud crunching of someones bone echoing through the air .

"Hmph little brat, you should know better than to mess with-" The Tall brutish thug remarked with cocky tones in his voice with a certain smile on his face. The kind you made when you were all too sure of victory. It quickly corrected itself, upon a sudden sharp pain going through the hand he punched Zhang Xuan with. "Huh?" The Older man remarked, pulling his hand back away from Zhang Xuan and looking at it for one second.

His fingers were twisted in several different directions, his hand bruised and turning a mix of red and purpleish all over the skin, a tinge of numbness radiated through each of his fingers. The man realizing he could no longer feel any sensations inside the tips of his fingers. Everything in that hand was without any doubt broken. A few people in the crowd remarked loudly see
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