Dungeon Explorers team

"No, no, no…" Farhana said, shaking her head with a panicked look on her face. She thought, "What the hell is the dungeon manager thinking in his head? What if something happens to him? I'm not just his assistant. My father handed over the responsibility to look after him and take care of him properly. How can I face my father if something happens to him due to his reckless thinking like this?"

"Why?" asked Vasu with raised brows on his face.

"Because you're the dungeon manager, not a dungeon explorer," said Farhana as if it were a matter of fact.

Listening to the words spoken by Farhana, Vasu's eyes widened, and his mouth hung agape. "What the hell does she mean by her words?" he wondered.

"What does my title, 'dungeon manager,' have to do with my interests?" asked Vasu, shaking his head with a bitter smile on his face.

"Whatever you say, I'm not going to change my interests. I'm going to explore the new dungeon portal with other dungeon explorers," said Vasu with a resolute look on his face.

"This…" Farhana didn't know what to say to refute his words at that moment. She was completely lost for words. She just raised her head and kept looking at the dungeon manager with a helpless look on her face.

Before she could come up with words to refute his statement, Vasu had already disappeared from her sight.

Farhana hurriedly left the office and went to her living quarters. After reaching her living quarters, she disguised herself and followed the tracks left behind by Vasu with an anxious look on her face.

Vasu, who had disguised himself as a normal young man with the fake identity of a medium-level dungeon explorer, reached the new dungeon portal. He showed his fake identity and ticket to the portal guards and slowly stepped into the dungeon portal.


As soon as he entered the dungeon portal, he felt dizzy. The next second, he opened his mouth again with a surprised look on his face. He found himself surrounded by weird trees and an eerie environment that gave him goosebumps all over his body, making him shiver with a thrilling sensation.

He turned around to look everywhere with an excited look on his face and moved forward in the thick weird bushes, using his hands to move them aside. He kept walking forward slowly and secretly, while witnessing many things on his way.

Dungeon explorers wake up their innate abilities after they break through to the medium-level dungeons. If they don't wake up their innate abilities, it is impossible to break through to the medium dungeon explorer level. Dungeon portals are ranked from beginner to higher dungeon portals, so it's just digging their graves if a beginner or low-level dungeon explorer enters a medium or higher dungeon portal.

Therefore, dungeon explorers must show their identities before being allowed to enter the particular dungeon portal that they want to explore. Dungeon portals have different colors according to their ranks. Beginner-low level dungeon portals are white, low-medium level dungeon portals are yellow, and medium-higher level dungeon portals are red.

Dungeon explorers need to kill at least one dungeon monster to gain access to the exit. If they are unable to do so, they will be stuck in the dungeon portal until their last breath.

Vasu entered the red dungeon portal and ventured deeper into the dungeon. As he explored, he stumbled upon a team of medium-level dungeon explorers, with a higher-level dungeon explorer as their leader. Vasu thought that he could learn more about dungeons and see many interesting things if he joined the big team rather than exploring alone. So, he decided to approach the big team leader directly, even though the leader had an indifferent attitude and did not even glance at him. Despite this, Vasu was approved to join the team to explore the dungeon portal.

After joining the big team, everyone gave him the cold shoulder. However, he heard a little voice behind him that was excited to learn that he was also a newly advanced medium-level dungeon explorer. Vasu turned back to look at the girl who had asked him the question, and he replied with a calm nod. The young girl smiled sheepishly and remained silent.

After taking a good rest, everyone in the big team stood up and kept walking forward without carrying their luggage. Vasu furrowed his brows, not knowing why they didn't bring their luggage with them. Soon, he realized that it was the duty of the young girl who had spoken to him earlier. As a new advanced medium-level dungeon explorer, it was her responsibility to carry everyone's luggage until another new member joined the team.

Despite this, she continued to carry everyone's luggage with her tired and trembling body. The rest she took a few moments ago was not enough because she had been carrying everyone's luggage herself from the beginning, while the remaining people in the team were walking without any burdens. Her body kept trembling non stop as she walked with the luggage on her body. She could have given the luggage to Vasu and walked normally like everyone else, but she didn't do it because she was a good and kind-hearted girl, which made Vasu see her in a different light.

Her kindness moved him completely. Seeing Vasu looking at her, she forcefully stopped her trembling body and forced a smile on her face, trying to show him that she was doing fine and didn't have any issues while carrying everyone's luggage. Vasu shook his head and walked towards the young girl with a gentle smile on his face.

"Let me help you with that," Vasu said, taking some of the luggage off her trembling body. The young girl looked at him with gratitude and relief, and together, they continued walking with the rest of the team.

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