Short story 9: The lost amusement park (Part 1)

I have been walking around for hours and am still unable to find my way to the next town. According to the map I’m using, the next town is supposed to be located nearby.

Is this map old? Because I do not see any towns around me at all.

I thought and took another look and then I realized something undeniable. The map is supposed to be read horizontally, but I’m reading it vertically.

I’ve been moving on a different path all this time. The sun is scourging hot and I’m not able to go back to the last city I left. The hours of walking went wasted.

Surrounding me is just a sandy place with nothing. My water bottle is already empty. The heat has already exhausted my body. No food left. To be precise, I didn’t bring anything with me, thinking that the next town was just around the corner. As a traveler, I would like to travel with only a few belongings.

Right now, I’m regretting my decision.

“I should’ve brought some food with me.”



I have a fever right now... Please enjoy this short story I wrote for my other project. Like Laura from "Laura's journey" already published as her series. Hanayuki who appeared in the last chapter of Flaming Assassin might get her own story to tell in the future. As always thank you for reading.

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