Chapter 116

“Who are you bringing and why should I allow them in my radiology department?” the doctor asked.

“He’s the head of our mental training department. The man I asked him to bring is our chief radiologist. Both have expertise in this area that you simply don’t have. I mean no offense, but it’s the truth,” she stated.

“I won’t allow some unknown person into this lab,” he said.

“I can have the federal government take full control, if you insist, which would likely shut you down altogether, at least until we finish our work,” she threatened.

“You would shut down the only hospital for miles, just for this one girl?” he asked, incredulity in his voice.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Is she that important?” he asked.

“Yes. She represents billions in research dollars,” she said, knowing she had to give some justification. “We don’t need to go there, if you will allow us to do what’s needed, without interference, but I’ll do what I must to insure we can do what we need to.”

The doctor looked at her for a l
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