From Heartache to Heir

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From Heartache to Heir

By: Lustre Okengwu Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 328 views: 37.1K

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Ready to propose to his long-time girlfriend, Archer worked so hard to buy a ring only to find out that his girlfriend was cheating on him. Enraged he tried to fight the man only to find himself beaten up and thrown out like trash. Angry and frustrated at life, Archer walked slowly when a car stopped and a man addressed him as a young master, Archer's life changed in an instant.

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  • Airende Gladys


    .........I love this book.

    2024-02-20 18:16:34
  • Black Richey


    More!!!! This author is exceptional

    2024-02-11 16:18:37
  • Black Richey


    Don’t stop updating please. I love the cliff hanger at the end of the chapters, it keeps me at the edge of my seat waiting for more.

    2024-02-07 23:39:36
  • Airende Gladys


    I love this!!!

    2024-01-24 22:14:40
  • Black Richey


    I want more!!!

    2024-01-23 06:02:43
  • Kyla Blake


    I really like this book so far! Wish the author would add more chapters and finish the book

    2023-12-06 00:26:46
  • White Melanin


    ...️...️...️...️more updates from the author.

    2024-02-12 19:59:52
Latest Chapter
328 chapters
Chapter 1
Archer stood In front of the mirror, his hand on his bowtie as he stared nervously at his reflection.He cleaned up nicely.It was a far cry from how he looked normally, like someone the cat dragged in.He sighed to himself, he wanted today to be special for Hailey. He has spent the whole year working his ass off and saving up to buy a ring and a suit to make her birthday a dream come through.Archer's smile brightened as he thought of the love of his life, Hailey. They had met when they were in college.He had been the charity case and she, the daughter of a renowned businessman. Others chastised him for daring to dream big by chasing her.But Archer knew it was meant to be.She was the only one he needed. Abandoned by his parents in the orphanage, Archer had to work for every single thing in his life.Hailey was the only one who understood him, she stayed with him and loved him regardless of what people said about him.His sweet angel, Hailey.Archer kept smiling like a lovesick fo
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Chapter 2
Archer stood heartbroken for a minute. He didn't think, he kicked the door open.He blinked when he saw Hailey wrapped in the arms of another man, both of them staring at each other lovingly."W...what's going on here?" he asked.Hailey stood and wrapped the sheets around herself as she looked Archer in the eye.Archer felt the knife twist deeper when he noticed the woman standing in front of him wasn't his sweet Hailey.In her place stood a cold woman."What are you doing here?" she asked."What do you mean, your friends and I have been waiting for you." he snapped.Hailey let out a chuckle, "Oh, sorry I lost track of time.""What's going on here, Hailey, and why are you with this man?" Archer pointed to the man who was slowly wearing his pants by the side of the bed."What does it look like? Are you blind? Don't tell me you are both stupid and blind?" Hailey snapped.Archer furrowed his brows in confusion, "Hailey, what has come over you?" he asked.Hailey threw her head back and
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Chapter 3
Archer's eyes welled up with tears, the walls of his heart tightened and his body protested with the pain.He had no idea how long he stayed there with his head bent while his life crumbled around him.His heart hurt so much that Archer hit his chest to lessen the pain. It didn't help.It hit Archer then that the only person he had in his life had betrayed him and let someone else beat him to a pulp.He shook his head and looked up, his eyes brimmed with painful tears.When the tears threatened to fall, he got up with his last strength and started walking home.Archer kept walking as slow as his body could let him, he stopped when he heard the sound of a car.He looked behind him and saw a luxury car followed by a line of SUVs like a convoy. Archer's lips parted in awe but he stepped out of the way. He wondered what it would be like to be inside the car.His jaw dropped when the car stopped beside him. Archer took a step back out of fear as men in black surrounded him.He got scared,
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Chapter 4
Archer was frozen. He couldn't believe this was real. He stared at his phone screen again but the figures were still there.They stared back as they mocked him. He willed them to move, to prove him wrong but they stayed still."What the hell?" he mumbled to himself.Archer was floored, he had been rendered speechless. He blinked and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out."Do you believe me now, sir?" Gabriel asked."No," Archer shook his head, "This can't be real."Gabriel chuckled, "Then use it and buy something. A new house, a new car. Whatever you want. It's your money.""My money?" Archer asked.Gabriel nodded firmly.1The doubts in Archer's mind were erased in an instant. He stared at Gabriel's serious face and lowered his head to keep himself together.Archer's eyes welled up with tears, he grabbed his phone and checked the message. He checked his balance again.The figures still weren't moving, they were still the same as they were a minute ago.They mocked him by sta
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Chapter 5
Archer embraced the hum of his scooter's engine as he maneuvered through the bustling city streets. The wind tousled his hair, and he felt free for a moment.He had chosen his scooter instead of the cars at his disposal. He didn't want to attract attention to himself especially if he was going to be working as a lowly employee.Arriving at the company's headquarters, he parked his modest scooter amidst the row of imposing vehicles. Archer smiled as he gathered his courage and headed towards the entrance. Gabriel had already informed the receptionist that he was coming.He increased his step and added a spring to it. He was excited for today.His smile wiped off his face when he saw the man confidently standing at the entrance.A snarl escaped him, he thought he wouldn't ever have to see their treacherous faces again.He was wrong.Archer tried to look away but every step closer to the entrance only made him glare at the man.The beatings he took kept coming back to him. He clenched
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Chapter 6
Archer held his breath as the elevator headed to the top floor, the highest in the building.Within minutes, the elevator opened.Seeing how big and exuberant the building was, he wasn't surprised to see the interior as lovely as the company's reputation.His heart thumped faster as it now dawned on him that all of this was his.There was only one office facing the elevator and that belonged to the CEO.He knocked.Archer stepped into a room adorned with minimalist elegance. At the imposing desk sat a young woman, her gaze focused on her laptop.He took his time to study her.The CEO, Madison Hale, was just about his age but according to Gabriel, cutthroat would be the best word to use for her.She exuded capability and independence. Her sharp eyes, framed by a cascade of auburn hair, met Archer's as he entered.She stood up with a bright smile and walked around her desk to meet him."Mr. Archer, I presume?" Madison stood, extending a hand in greeting. "I've been expecting you."Arche
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Chapter 7
Archer took a deep breath and knocked on the door, and the woman inside looked up from her cell phone, her impatience evident in her tone as she responded, "What do you want?"Archer frowned and opened the door. He walked inside and the woman's brows furrowed."Who said you could enter?" she yelled at him.His jaw dropped open in shock, and the woman's face was pinched in anger that Archer thought he had broken a rule."Sorry, I didn't mean to.""Go back and knock again. You young people and lacking manners, it seems to be the trend these days." She snarled.Archer's chest tightened in anger, as he stared at the woman in front of him. He dug his nails into his palm, trying to calm his nerves.He did as the woman said while keeping his anger in check."Come in," the woman yelled.He walked up to the table and frowned at the woman."My name is Archer, the new hire," he introduced himself, trying to maintain a professional demeanor despite the woman's dismissive attitude.The woman chec
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Chapter 8
Archer's eyes widened.Was everyone in this company a tyrant? The girl was shaking as she stayed huddled in the corner.The manager was still touching the girl and Archer felt his blood boiling.The manager turned to look at them, "Can't you see I am in the middle of an important meeting?" he snarled."Doesn't look like much from here," Archer mumbled."What was that?" the manager asked.Archer looked up and met the manager's eyes."I am here to finish my onboarding.""It can wait, I am in the middle of something." the manager said.He was still looking at Archer when the girl took to her heels. The door slammed shut.Archer raised a brow as the manager turned red in the face.He pointed at the door, "Get out of it office."Archer shook his head, "No, I want to complete the process and start work."The manager was startled, he stared at Archer wondering where he got his confidence from.He sighed. "Alright bring your papers let me take a look." he gestured to Archer.Archer gave him
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Chapter 9
Archer noticed the look the manager gave Lola and he turned his way in disgust.He didn't like that females were being treated this way in the workplace. First, it was Jessie, and now, Lola.To think he was training to become the leader of such an establishment, brought shame to him.The manager left after that. Lola relaxed and went back to her work.She introduced Archer to the rest of the team and they welcomed him with warm smiles.They worked till Archer felt like his neck was going to break.The day was finally over and Archer headed towards the parking lot. He got to his scooter and paused mid-step when he saw Jack standing there."You!" Jack snarled.Archer looked around in confusion as he pointed to his chest."Me?""Yes, you." Jack snapped, his nose flared in anger as he glared at Archer."I have been waiting for you all day," Jack said as he advanced on Archer."How can I help you?" Archer asked in a bored tone.That startled Jack for a bit and he gaped at Archer. He wonder
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Chapter 10
Madison dropped Archer in front of his house and he wasted no minute before entering.He met a patient Gabriel waiting for him on the porch."Young master, welcome home."Archer rolled his eyes, "You don't have to keep calling me that whenever you see me.""Very well." Gabriel led him inside the house with a smile, "How was today?"Archer shrugged, "What can I say? Today was more educative than I thought.""Did you encounter any problems?" Gabriel asked.Archer shook his head, he didn't want to snitch on his colleagues but he wanted to complain about the behavior of the higher-ups."No, everything was fine. They are throwing a welcome party for me tonight."Gabriel's eyes widened, "That's great news."He looked at Archer with contempt, his eyes judging the outfit he wore."Did you have to go out like that?" He asked Archer.Archer looked down at himself, not finding anything wrong."What?"Gabriel sighed, he pinched the bridge of his nose out of frustration."I know you want to be hu
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