Both Levy and I stared at the girl in disbelief while the others she had just freed were all beginning to one by one, gather around us when they noticed the flashy looking girl was in front of us. She was flashy because of the colour of her hair and the fact that she only had a sports bra to cover the top of her body while the down part which was her pants had holes and blood on it.

There was also a lot of dried blood on the exposed parts of her body. Just because she heals doesn't mean that the blood on her previously exposed wounds would just vanish and she would be out of the shower clean. That's not how it works

Even though they didn't and we all didn't see her free us from the foam because she did it in Hyper time, we still knew that this girl wasn't amongst us when we got trapped in the first place or else we would have seen her and she looked like around the age where even though the others didn't see her speak like we just did, she still looked like
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