Chapter 92: Elvis came through

'Activate the mirror shield!' Elvis' voice echoed in his mind.

[Activating mirror shield]

A round mirror shield, akin to that of the former vanquished king, materialized before Elvis, encasing him within a formidable force field.

(Booooooooooooom!) The reverberating attack impact shook the very foundation of the earth, throwing up a tumultuous cloud of dust.

Amidst the dust's swirling veil, anticipation gripped the onlookers, who awaited the outcome of the assault with bated breath.

As the dust gradually settled, the suspense hung in the air, palpable enough to weigh heavily on some. However, the chief priest's demeanour was different, for a sly smile played upon his lips, convinced that no one could have survived such a cataclysmic attack.

"Look!" A voice from the crowd exclaimed.

The chief priest's eyes widened in shock, unable to fathom what lay before him. In a state of disbelief, he stumbled back and sat down, immobilized by the unexpected turn of events.

"H-How?" His voice tremb
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