Chapter 91: Using the mirror shield

As Layla stood beside the other heroes, a torrent of doubts flooded her mind, casting a shadow of uncertainty over her.

As the billowing smoke gradually cleared, Elvis and his loyal followers emerged unscathed, the mirror shield, shimmering blue light successfully repelling the onslaught of the colossal shark-whale's attack.

Jorm, Charlotte, the seven shades, the revered elders, Diana, Tina, Drew, and Luna, all bore witness to the vanishing of the energy beam, as if it were an inconsequential wisp of smoke.

"Remarkable, Lord Elvis! Your prowess knows no bounds!" The seven shades exclaimed in awestruck admiration, unable to contain their astonishment.

Elvis appeared unperturbed for a simple reason—just as the situation demanded, a timely system notification arrived, granting him access to the mirror shield. Aware of the shield's exceptional defensive abilities, Elvis realized that without it, he would struggle to safeguard himself and others from the impending attack.

As the haze of sm
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