On the day of the wedding, I had to reassure Anastasia.

- Well, why are you nervous? she asked kindly. “You know you don’t have to worry.

“I look too fat,” she said, sobbing.

- You should have married a couple of hundred years ago, as soon as you met. Or, at least, fifty years ago, while you were carrying your first son. Nastya, you and Sasha already have a third child, and you are still not married, this is no good. And in general, who is the future Empress Runita here? You should be wondering what anyone thinks. Yeah, you don't look very graceful and like a twig is about to break. They look like this on the slides. So - either we postpone the wedding and upset all the guests, and wait until you give birth and recover. Or you wipe your nose first to yourself, and then to everyone who wants to slander. What you choose?

Nastya wiped her tears, and I removed the redness from her face and allowed the maids to do cosmetics and hair styling.

- Whom to punch in the face? Father asked when N
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