Chapter 39

Elliot's POV

I was not patient but I could wait till the next day before visiting my kingdom. It had been a long time since I had seen it, but I remember it vividly. It was recently that I realised how much freedom I had given Andras on my throne.

I chose him because I trusted him, but even the best demons can't be relied on. I felt like a fool. My love for Lexa had taken over me. I couldn't concentrate on my kingly duties. But I didn't regret falling for her. I would have my way and I would have both Alexa and my crown.

I was picking out clothes when a knock announced itself on the door. I didn't want to answer it but it was the scent of the senior maid so I had to.

"Enter!" She hesitated but entered my room. She came empty handed and not in her uniform, so it gave me the idea that she wasn't here to serve me gin or give me updates on the masnion. "Not now, Nora. You can leave."

She didn't. She stood right there in her position, watching me from the distance.

I ignored her and picked
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