My Harem Army - The Monster Keli

"I love you, husband... You got that?" As she directly staring at me with her pink eyes for several minutes, then I kissed her back and sucked on her tongue hard.



After about fifteen minutes had passed.

As we look into each other's eyes and smile.

"Love... Let's go in that direction... Is the monster Keli's direction!" She said and then she pulled me together with her tail wrapped around my waist as my hand held onto her waist.

"Shhhh, there!" She pointed her finger toward the cave under the water.

I saw the cave with a white light.

The monster gets out of that cave, and I notice the massive size of that monster Keli fish.

"That monster Keli fish is about 3000 kg, if not mistaken because I hunt them a lot in the past," she said that she has already hunted this monster Keli fish so many times.

"Wow, that was about 3000 FP coins, that's a lot of FP coins," I said.

"Yeah, but it's not that easy, stay here, just watch." She demanded.

"Can I he
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