Chapter 15; just two days to make an amazing game!...

A loud voice yelling from behind them. It seemed like a female's voice. Hayden and the boss immediately waited and turned to see who it was, because had remembered telling everyone to meet him in the meeting hall room, so he wondered who the unknown person was. "Hannah!!!,''Both of them spoke in unions with each other.  "I'm so glad I met you sir, i was looking for you, to inform you about the call that came across the office today. The person claimed to be a staff at joint venture gamersBlurb of this country. He also said that I should tell you about the agreement between our companies, he also said something like… of course now I remember correctly, it's about closing!! I'm confused sir but does any of this make sense to you?"

"Firstly, thanks for the information. I need to be with the others, I will explain everything there" he gave a quick response to her and immediately turned towards the place he used while coming the first time, Hayden and the staff woman tagged alongside him. Eventually after, they got to the door, opened it and walked through. Everybody stood up from their chairs to welcome the boss. "So sorry for keeping all of you waiting, by now, you must be wondering why I summed up this emergency meeting then again in a couple of minutes, please you may all have your seats!," Immediately after the order was given, they all acknowledged. I was about to leave the office before something got my attention. Scheme had been set up by me in a way I could actually actualise my arms of objectives and everyone of you would agree with me on this. However, I welcome you all once again. Recently, I have had so many annoying pathetic attempts with my friends and colleagues in different areas of the city, and we ended up with only one option" the boss waited for a while and took a glass of water. "What is the option sir? I thought we have agreed on when to produce the new game?" An anxious staff member requested an answer. "Of course we did, but I thought the time could be managed within a few months, but I guess, my hope's were above the roof. Support is what I need now! Hayden, tomorrow the game performance and reliability of the programmes must take place, I really don't care how we are going to do this, although it would be a bit troublesome, don't worry about it. Now some of you will have doubts about the possibility of this great decision I took suddenly. Sometimes, all you need is a dedication to your job and all the efforts will pay eventually. Hmm… I think I may stop here now. And I wouldn't force anyone to do something against their policy! An option is greyed out to you all, if you're interested, I expect you to stay alone with this awesome experience, but for those who don't share the same version with us, should please notify me so your leave request will be granted. Anyone?!?" He said to all the staff members. After the question forums category was shifted to their hearing, everybody sat slightly slicent for a minute or less than half a dozen seconds. Not one wanted to give an awful answer to the boss. However, regardless of his personality, he was really an amazing boss. He was there for almost all his stuff who needed his help. "I'm in for this sir!," A staff member stood up after the replies and raised his hand up in the air. "Same with me!!," Two more members agreed followed by others which eventually, brought all the works aline with the offer. The boss was automatically generating a big bright smile on his face, he was overwhelmed by their kind gesture, words couldn't even describe how he felt at that exact moment. Truly, he wasn't expecting such a quick response and acceptance from all of them at the same time. They all believed in him, and he wasn't ready to let the hot momentum of determination following an aggressive approach go to waste. "Please everyone come over here! You all need a hug from me," immediately, he called out to them with a little bit of tears dropping down from his eyes. "Ohh!! No sir! You don't need to cry, of course you have been there when we need you, if this could be the way we say thank you, so be it! Will would've thought the company was established for only working, but you changed that perspective of ours. Thank you sir!!" They immediately embassies him afterwards.


The time had come for Hayden to head back home, he was so tired after all the necessity of the company information, and the whole secret of the game. He slowly began to walk with some office files through the room walkways until he finally got to the door of his office. However, he stood in front of the door, placed all the files on his left arm and brought out his keys to unlock the door. Eventually, he gained access into the room before turning to shoot the door behind him. "Hmm! What a lovely day today," as he lamented to himself, he placed all the files on the table and tried adjusting his suit tie from both ways. He went to have a seat on his spinning office chair, subsequently, he closed his eyes to have a restful mind before going gearing up for the day. His subconscious mind wasn't at rest, he still had doubts about the possibility of an awesome game like that let alone produce it in just two days. 'But why…,' he said to himself inwardly.

'Just two days to make an amazing game!...'

The doubt continues to grow in his mind as the words the boss had said earlier continue to echo without stopping. However, something kept him moving; the fear of not letting his boss down was his mantra the entire time. The thinking was however necessary in the crucial disbalance of the company's inability to provide an exciting experience for the gaming world. 

The environment in the room was calm when all of a sudden, someone knocked aggressively on the door…

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