*** Chris ***

In the current situation, every word I say can be harmful,if I don't think correctly.

I calm my mind and ask Hecate the most important question.

"Tell me, in that case, what do you want to do?"

Hecate, who couldn't understand the question, was going to answer something ambiguous, such as a better deal for witches, but I stopped her.

"Think things through, it is true that you were locked up here, but you did not suffer anything, the world rejects you, but the current world has decayed compared to the time in which you lived, if you wanted to seek revenge, with your power you could easily raze"

My words were not lies, in the history books, the golden age of the world was long ago and the current era is only trying to build the destroyed foundations, on the other hand the village of witches, they were around 300, the weakest, was at the highest point of the holy realm, while the average had half a step in the divine realm, While the 30 eldest witches of the village were a
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