chapter 6

Trevor Trump is hurrying to his office after receiving yet another warning that things are not looking good at the office, and while he has yet to find a solution to rescue his firm without allowing his half brother to contribute, he does not want to risk losing the company entirely.

The second he steps out of his car, he is astonished to see a swarm of reporters racing to him with cameras and microphones.

“Mr. Trump, did you try to kill your brother?” One reporter attempts to approach Trevor, but is stopped by Trevor’s bodyguards.

When seeing the reporters, Trevor rapidly becomes irritated, as if he wasn’t already dealing with a lot, these obnoxious reporters won’t leave him alone. He’s been generating news for almost a week and they’re still pestering him for more, which irritates him.

“Absolutely not! I’ve never attempted to murder anyone!” He yells angrily as he tries to make his way to the building, but yet another person asks.

“But why would Elijah say you did?” enquires another

Trevor sighs for a moment, why can’t these paparazzi simply leave him alone?

“Because his Elijah Wilson, who is insane and foolish!” He shouts again, quickening his speed.

At the moment, all he seems to care about is getting back to his firm and seeing what’s going on.

“And what did you get your millions?”

Asks another, expecting a response, but Trevor’s bodyguards prevent them from approaching their boss.

The time Trevor gets into his office, he is surprised to meet two of his board members and small investors carrying their boxes out of their offices.

Seeing that, he ignores them and turns to his receptionist

“What exactly is going on here?” He is confused by what appears to be happening.

Tracy, his receptionist, pauses what she was doing and turns to look at him.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Good and Mr. Jackson have taken their business elsewhere.” She responds, knowing that her boss’s reaction will be negative.

“What?” Trevor appears to be even more surprised.

Mr. Jackson and Mr. Good are two of the Wilson business’s largest investors; if they quit, the company will fail.

“But, Mr. Trump, I came to warn you that things are horrible and that you need to act quickly, but you refused to listen to me.” Tracy reminds Trevor of the time she went to talk to him in his house and he screamed at her.

Trevor sighs even louder. Things continue to deteriorate, and Elijah appears to be winning.

“I did. I promised to take care of it!” He yells at Tracy, who, strangely, does not appear to be afraid of her boss today; she looks back at him and responds.

“But there’s really nothing to worry about, Mr. Trump; your brother has already offered to save the company; all you have to do is accept it.”

Trevor looks at her as if he can’t believe what she just said.

“I will not work with Elijah!” He yells as he rushes to the elevator that takes him to his office, leaving Tracy behind.

“Well, then...” she tries to speak but before she could he closes the elevator

Leon arrives pistol blazing in one of the multimillionaire’s companies after receiving word that her ex-husband, whom she left for his brother, is filing for custody.

“What the heck am I hearing about you wanting to take my children away from me, Elijah?” She asks as she storms into the office of the multimillionaire, whom everyone recognizes and assumes to be Elijah Wilson.

When he heard that, the Millionaire, whose relative referred to him as Ragnar, turned to face her.

“Oh, don’t seem startled; you stole them away from me first.” He speaks it softly and calmly, just like he supposes Elijah would.

And, like the expectant father he appears to be, he persuades Elijah’s ex-wife, who immediately becomes even more upset.

“Because you were a drunk and unsuitable to be in their presence!” She tries to defend herself for denying Elijah his children.

The individual thought to be Elijah chuckles.

“You mean after you abandoned me for my brother and I became depressed,” he replies, folding his arms.

Leon’s eyes twitch slightly as she hears the painful truth of leaving Elijah for his brother while he was down.

“Oh, please, what did you expect me to do? You let your brother take everything your father gave you. I was only trying to keep my kids’ living standards up?” She tries to defend her behavior yet again, which irritates Ragnar.

“No, you were just trying to keep your level of living up. I should have listened to my father when he warned me about you; you never loved me. You were only interested in my money, and you proved it by allowing Trevor to manipulate you into leaving me for him.” He rants at Leon, reminding her that her father-in-law despised her and never wanted his son to marry her.

Leon is taken aback by what the man she believes to be her ex-husband and the father of her two children has just stated.

“I was never after your money, Elijah,” she finally says after a brief silence, hoping that Elijah will believe her and reconsider taking their children away from her. Unfortunately, the man standing in front of her is not the sweet, kind Elijah whom she has always taken advantage of with no repercussions.

Despite not being in love with her like her ex-husband, this one has one goal in mind: to exact revenge on those who have wronged Elijah, so he looks at her and answers.

“I don’t care. I’m taking my children, and you’ll never see them again!”

Leon looks astonished when she hears that; she doesn’t comprehend what’s going on with Elijah. Why is he speaking to her in this manner? She believed he loved her and would always do so?

“Since when did you become...” she wonders, hurt by what she’s just discovered.

“become what?” Ragnar quickly inquires, wondering if Leon has realized he is not her ex-husband.

But, fortunately for him, his resemblance to Elijah’s appearance and voice make it difficult for anyone to recognize him; even his ex-wife is unaware.

“Cruel. Since when have you become this vengeful individual? Because the Elijah I remember was nice and caring, and he would never threaten to steal my children.”

She appears to be making the multimillionaire laugh.

“Was that the reason you left him? I’m talking about the Elijah you remember, not the old me. Elijah, the fool who let his brother take everything from him, even his wife, whom he loves. “he inquires

“Love? You love me?” Leon still hopes that Elijah still loves her, regardless of how crazy that would be, and that pisses Ragnar off. How could she even expect that after what she’s done to Elijah?

“I did. Now leave my office before I call security, as your idiot husband did to me!” He yells aggressively at her, expecting she’ll get the point and leave, but she doesn’t. Instead, she surprises him.

“You think you can do that to me? The love of your life?”

Ragnar chuckles angrily as he presses his emergency button and calls security, shocking Leon.

While Trevor was still at his collapsing company, he received a call asking him to come by his other company right away for an emergency.

He runs straight into the boardroom as he arrives.

“What exactly is the emergency?” As he walks in, he inquires.

Trevor looks at his board members, who are all sitting by their chairs, puzzled, not knowing what’s going on.

As he was ready to ask, one member, Mr. Sanders, filled him in.

“We call this board meeting to inform you that, considering all these allegations, we have voted to remove you as CEO with immediate effect.” He says, nearly giving Trevor a heart attack.

Trevor, who is still standing, quickly turns to face him.

“That is not possible. I did nothing.” He tries to advocate for his retention, but it appears that the board members have already spoken and decided in his absence, as Mr. Sanders responds once more.

“Yes, but the allegations stand until you can clear your name. It’s best if you don’t run this company so that we don’t lose investors.” He says, causing Trevor to shake his head in defeat.

“You’re a jerk, Elijah!”

Even with no one telling him, Trevor believes this is Elijah’s fault. Elijah is out to get him and will stop at nothing to harm him.

He storms out of the boardroom, dashing to his car, and drives straight to the office of the multimillionaire man he believes to be his half brother Elijah.

The second he walks into the building, he shouts from the passage

“Elijah! Elijah!”

Scaring, Ragnar’s staff, who immediately ask Ragnar

“Do I need to contact security, Mr. Wilson?”

Ragnar doesn’t seem disturbed or shaken by Trevor’s bucking

“No. Allow him to enter.” The multimillionaire exits his office and approaches Trevor by the door.

“Is this your intention to destroy me?” Trevor screams angrily, prompting Ragnar to smile.

“I am doing nothing.” He mocks his half brother who's even more enraged.

“Don’t patronize me, Elijah; everything that’s happened to me is because of your silly accusations.” He screams now, finally recognizing that the claims Tracy and the other board members warned him about were genuinely intended to ruin him.

“The only allegations I made were supported by evidence. I told the media that you tried to steal my father’s riches, which you did because you won the companies you now govern. “Ragnar is deliberately acting foolish, which irritates Trevor even more.

“You said I tried to kill you, and we both know that’s nonsense; I never wanted you to die; all I wanted was for you to suffer as much as I did!” Trevor yells, finally admitting his hatred for his half brother Elijah.

According to Ragnar, the hatred is unwarranted because, regardless of what Trevor believes, Elijah was not the one who caused him to suffer, it was their father.

“Why? What have I ever done to you?” Ragnar, with Elijah’s voice and accent that mattered so much, asks.

Trevor looks at him for a time after hearing that, trying to answer his inquiry.

“You will be sorry, Elijah!” After a long silence, he yells.

“If I were you, I’d take the deal I offered because this is just the beginning and things are going to get ugly.”

“Does that pose a threat?” Trevor inquires as he turns to face him.

Ragnar laughs at that.

“I will never threaten my brother,” he mocks.

“Fuck you, Elijah!” Trevor yells before storming out of the office building.

His cellphone rings the moment he steps outdoors.

“Please tell me you have something on the bastard.” He says, answering the phone.

“I do.” Says the man on the other side of the phone.

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