49. Un/wavering Resolve

Commander Slate, his tone filled with a sinister resolve, declared, "I cannot liberate the country if I murder all that remains of its citizens. I will now take my leave, avoiding any further bloodshed, but Emilia comes with me."

Harold, fueled by intense anger, retorted, "You don't get to kill my people and just leave because you suddenly feel like it. I won't let you."

Commander Slate, attempting reason, asserted, "I am giving you the opportunity to save what remains of your settlement. Being stubborn is unwise for a leader, Harold."

Harold, eyes burning with defiance, replied, "A leader doesn't let scumbags like you push him around. Your advantage is gone, and we're not your hostages anymore. I've neutralized your snipers."

Commander Slate, unfazed, cryptically revealed, "Did you honestly think I wouldn't account for something like this? I already have the exact coordinates of this location. I could blow it up with a warhead if I felt like it."

Shocked, Harold exclaimed, "A warhead
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