Second Phase

Gray clouds blanketed the expanse, concealing the space beneath. A magnificent yet elusive gray castle loomed, seemingly asserting its dominance over the surrounding area. The atmosphere exuded an air of grandeur, accompanied by an unsettling undercurrent. The gray hue, symbolic of deception and trickery, pervaded the very essence of the place.

Within the castle, a mysterious and enigmatic figure, the god of deceit, resided. Clad in a shroud of gray fabric, surrounded by raven-like ethereal entities that swirled around them. An unmistakable sense of power and authority radiated from their being, casting an aura of both mystique and foreboding.

"It appears the moment has arrived. My dear avatar, may you continue to put on a spectacular performance," Marauder's voice, simultaneously mystical and eerie, echoed throughout the castle. The shadowy, raven-like creatures clung to the corners of the throne and the ground, seemingly cowering before the authority emanating from the voice.

"He wi
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