Chapter 58

Chapter 58

“Mom.” I smiled at my mother who died months ago. “Dad.” And to my father who died with her the same night. “I’m sorry if I broke your rule of consulting you out before having a boyfriend. But I have one.”

I expected them to throw killer grin at me. I expected them to shout at me for breaking their rule. In the neighborhood I lived in, it is normal for teenagers my age to date a whole set of men. My parents were different. They won’t let me unless I tell them. Maybe my brothers were the only exception, or maybe I am the exception to this neighborhood’s culture.

I opened the door so Gelo could enter. He wore his wide and happy smile as he greets my parents on a very nice day. We all sat on the couch, everyone has their own teacup of the hibiscus tea my parents like to bring whenever they’re on a vacation from different states.

We all chattered even though I couldn’t understand anything. We were just… talking. Nonstop. My parents seemed so happy to finally meet Angelo. It all
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