Chapter 14. The Ruthless Plan.

“What do you mean, dear?” Li Wei tried to calm Gao Zhang’s anger, gently stroking her husband’s arm with innocent face.

But, the man could not calm down at the moment. The news circulating was like crashing waves, and he himself could not overcome the waves.

“Don’t play dumb. You’re the one who sent them, right?!” he accused Li Wei. The only one who had any connection to the Night Shadows was his concubine.

“This action of yours is too dangerous! Didn’t you think about the consequences later?” Gao Zhang snapped in anger.

“I did it to teach him a lesson,” Li Wei retorted. “I can’t watch him live happily while my poor son lives in sorrow!”

“And look at you. You don’t seem to care about your son’s situation. That’s why you haven’t done anything!” Li Wei shouted in anger. It was as if she was the one who suffered the most.

Gao Zhang rubbed his face roughly. In this position, he could feel his concubine’s pain. He was like being blinded by love. He couldn’t tell what was right and what was
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