
"Help me hold it up since I cannot use my right arm. " The Prince felt more disgusted that he turned around so he wouldn't watch him drink the filthy water.

"Young Master." Maidservant shouted. She came to the ground and joined them. "I will drink…"she jerks. "I will drink it." The Prince couldn't believe his ears.

"Forget it. Why would you drink this? Go!"

"Exactly how much is there? Do you want me to help out too?" Trevor asked to come to join them already.

"Really?" Stefan asked.

"Give it to me." Just when he made to drink the water, all of them began to jerk off as well as the prince.

"It is really chamber pot water." Katherina shouted.

"Your Royal Highness. How would we dare to challenge you? Must you let them drink that filthy water solely as an apology?" Morgan intervened.

"Damn it. Forget it. You're making me retch. Let's go." The Prince threw the sword on one of the mages and made to leave.

"The Crown Prince is leaving! Bow before him!" One of the mages shouted. The Prince l
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