The breakup

"This relationship, Dustin, should be a relation-ship, or a kinship - something that makes us family. I want it to be something that unites our friends, our relations, and not become as a boat cast adrift away from those we know and love. What is good builds up goodness, heals and includes others. What is good is a benefit to us and our community, to the world. It is how we let this love for one another spill out, make a light for others to share. So, my love, hoist the sail; we're homeward bound."

"Wait you just thought of saying something as compelling as this to me because what?" He said to her, half shocked. She only smiled back, her eyes and dimples crinkling as she did.

Alara was very beautiful although she never seemed to listen to him whenever he made mention of it to her.

"Thank you a lot for the comforting words. I won't forget. You know," but he stopped then grinned as he thought of what to say and he knew already that she might have not been too impressed.

"But then, e
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