The Revenge Of The Rejected Son-in-law

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The Revenge Of The Rejected Son-in-law

By: JuicyBee0956 Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 124 views: 3.0K

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Roman Cooper was a live-in son-in-law of the Rodriguez Family, he was secretly assigned to help his wife's family business from going bankruptcy. After finishing his objectives, the Rodriguez Family see him as nothing but a worthless man, and treated him like a slave. His wife filed for a divorce, and tried to get him killed, Roman Cooper decided to get revenge for all the suffering, humiliations, and pains the Rodriguez's had made him passed through.

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  • Ola lekan


    very impressive and well written

    2024-01-25 08:55:47
  • Ola lekan


    very impressive and well written

    2024-01-25 08:55:42
  • Ola lekan


    this author was very great ...

    2024-01-25 08:55:29
  • Ola lekan


    this author was very great ...

    2024-01-25 08:55:13
  • Ola lekan


    very impressive and well written

    2024-01-25 08:55:07
  • Ola lekan


    this author was very great ...

    2024-01-25 08:54:42
  • Ola lekan


    very impressive and well written

    2024-01-25 08:54:28
  • Ola lekan


    this author was very great ...

    2024-01-25 08:54:19
  • Ola lekan


    very impressive and well written

    2024-01-25 08:54:13
  • Ola lekan


    this author was very great ...

    2024-01-25 08:54:07
  • Ola lekan


    this author was very great ...

    2024-01-25 08:53:54
  • Ola lekan


    very impressive and well written

    2024-01-25 08:53:18
  • Ola lekan


    this author was very great ...

    2024-01-25 08:53:09
  • Ola lekan


    very impressive and well written

    2024-01-25 08:53:01
  • Ola lekan


    this author was very great ...

    2024-01-25 08:52:40
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Latest Chapter
124 chapters
Chapter 1 | The Divorce Papers
CHAPTER ONEIn a dimly lit room, a young man walked into the room, with a bowl of water on his hands. It was none other than Roman Cooper. "Here is it!" Roman dropped the bowl of water in front of his mother-in-law, Jessica Rodriguez. Jessica Rodriguez, his mother-in-law, had requested for a bowl of water to wash her feet. It's a thing she does on a daily basis. It is known as her normal routine. She glanced at him in disdain, and nodded her head in response. Without looking at the bowl, she dipped her hand into the hot water. An agonizing tone filled the room, the water had burnt her hand. Glaring contemptuously at Roman, she yelled at the top of her voice. "You scoundrel! What have you done? You just burnt my hand, why are you so filial?" Shooting him a deadly glance, she demanded.The rage she felt in her system couldn't be measured. She was really pissed at him. Roman, on the other hand, didn't bother to say anything, he stood at her front calmly. His face was emotionless
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Chapter 2 | Jennifer's New Boyfriend
CHAPTER TWO Jennifer stared at the divorce papers, then looked back at Roman. She was confused; why would Roman , who is nothing but a loser, depending on her family to live, would have the mind to propose a divorce agreement to her. "What is this, Roman? Why have you filed for a divorce?" She snapped angrily at him, "Oh! Are you here to cheat me of some money? You want us to split my worth into two? You have failed, Roman!" She concluded, with an evil smirk bestowed on her face. Roman chuckled, and muttered coldly, "Why don't you look at it? You shouldn't be afraid, you know?" Quickly as Roman concluded, Jennifer glanced through the agreement for the divorce and saw Roman would not receive a penny from her. So, there is no way he would cheat her. Meanwhile, Jessica Rodriguez, who had been writhing in pain all these while, stood up hastily, ignoring the pain she felt in her body. She strode towards Jennifer quickly, and snatched the divorce papers from her, and snorted. "Wha
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Chapter 3 | Threats
CHAPTER THREEListening to what the man, Harry Greenwood had sputtered out of his mouth, Roman decided to ignore him, and glanced at Jennifer coldly. "Really! You can't even wait for us to be divorce before courting another man. How despicable of you, Jennifer!"He continued with his heart filled with pain and fury, "For the past three years, I have tried all my best to make you satisfied, but still, you saw me as a loser, a servant in the family. You have the effrontery to bring your new boyfriend home even without getting divorce. You are the one who has made a mistake, so do not dare to insult me anymore otherwise I would teach you guys a lesson." He concluded, his voice was hinted with utmost anger. Jennifer was shocked and rendered speechless. She could see how angry Roman looked. In the past three years, Roman had been so gentle and calm, and never voiced out no matter how pained he was. Although, She and her mother, Jessica Rodriguez, treated him like a servant, he was not
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Chapter 4 | The Waylay
CHAPTER FOURUpon seeing the gangsters in front of him, the taxi driver was terrified, he was cowering in fear. One of the gangsters came forward, and kicked the car door while he shouted at him. “You fool! Open the door! Don't you see us?” He yelled at the top of his voice. The Taxi Driver trembled the more as he felt like crying at that instance. With hesitation, he opened the car door. He cried vehemently, “Please, don't harm me! I don't have anything worthy you can take from me, please!” With an evil smirk on his face, the gangster threw him out of the car roughly. Roman sneered at the scene displaying in front of him. Quickly, he got down from the car. A man who had a cigarette in his mouth walked out from the gangsters. He was none other than Atkinson, Jennifer's younger brother. He walked closer to Roman, and smirked maliciously, "Where do you think you are going, Roman? Do you think you can escape from getting beaten? Unfortunately, you are going to receive the wors
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Chapter 5 | Granddaughter of the Brown's Family
CHAPTER FIVEAtkinson was astounded. The lady was here for another thing. But what made him look marveled was when the lady pointed at Roman. Referring to Roman as Mr Cooper. He flashed out a smile, “You've really made a mistake, Miss! The Man over here is just the Rodriguez live-in son-in-law. He doesn't deserve this respect you are giving to him.”He continued, “His name is Roman and only lives on his wife's wealth. Don't you see how useless he is. He doesn't deserve any of the respect you are giving him.” Glaring at Roman maliciously, he muttered. The lady didn't give a response. She really thought He doesn't deserve to know who Roman was. She turned to the men behind her, and commanded in an angry tone. “What are you guys waiting for? Teach all of them a lesson they would never forget.”Atkinson and his underlings were terrified. Staring fearful at the men in black suits, Atkinson doesn't have the urge to bring out his gun and shoot at them. They are definitely going to overpo
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Chapter 6 | Quack Doctor? You can't Save the Lord
CHAPTER SIXAfter listening to Jennifer's raging words, he gave out an exasperated sigh. He didn't want to argue anything with her, he just cut off the line. Jennifer fumed when she saw the call was aborted. She turned to her Mother, “The bastard just cut me off! Can you imagine, Mother?”Jessica Rodriguez snorted angrily, “Roman needs to be arrested. He had offended us and surely, we must take revenge.”“Try getting some thugs and get him captured.” She added, gritting her teeth furiously. Jennifer nodded her head in response, “Sure Mom! I will get it done. Atkinson must have his revenge on Roman.” She sneered. In a luxurious mansion, people were gathered in one place. Worries were displayed on their faces. The Lord of the Xander Family was unconscious on the bed. The Xander Family had worries and fear on their faces. They were anxiously waiting for someone, they felt restless. One of the Xander family members spoke out in rage. “Where is she? When is she bringing the cure? We
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Chapter 7 | The Lord of Xander Was Poisoned
Chapter 7 “What's wrong with my father, Dr McKenzie? Why the sudden change? Is he dying?” Reuben asked anxiously, he was panic stricken at the moment. Everyone was also scared, as murmurs filled the room. “Is the Master going to die? Please Dr McKenzie, save the Lord!”“What is going on, doctor?"“Nothing must happen to the Master!”The room was tense as everybody's hearts were overpowered with anxiety and fear. Dr McKenzie was also confused at this stage, he didn't know what to do . Roman shouted, “Calm down everyone. The Lord will be saved, you don't have to worry. His condition isn't beyond cure!” Everyone glanced at him in a confused manner. Did he really know what he's saying? They tried to ridicule him but he wasn't important at the moment. He felt their gaze on him, so he continued, “The drug injected into the Lord's body reacted as a poison. That causes the changes in the Lord's body and if he isn't treated right now, the old man might die.” Everyone exclaimed, “Poiso
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Chapter 8 | Appreciation
Chapter 8Upon hearing the words from Reuben, the Doctor suddenly felt agitated. He cowered in fear, he knew what the Xander's family could do. Anything coming out from them, they really mean it. Quickly, he stuttered as he tried to beg for forgiveness. “Please Mr Reuben, I'm sorry for the mistake. It won't happen again, my injection hasn't worked on him. It was Roman who treated the Lord.” He claimed, trying to appease Reuben. Everyone was glaring at him disdainfully, and wondered how he could be shameless to claim what he didn't do. Obviously, his apologies won't work. Reuben shot him a deadly glare and said, “If you've claimed you're not good enough to save the Lord's life, it would be better and okay." He paused, and looked into his eyes sternly, “But you tried to stop Mr Roman from saving the Lord just only to save your dignity. Do you think I will forgive you for that? No!”“Please Mr Xander, accept my apologies! Just use this as a warning to me. It won't repeat itself." Dr.
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Chapter 9 | Grand Pavilion Estate.
Chapter 9Angelique Brown was overjoyed. Roman had just accepted her invite, and it's something to be happy about. She muttered excitedly, “Thank you Mr Cooper for accepting my invite. You don't know what this means to me.” Quickly, she brought out his phone and put a call to her assistant about convening a press conference. It hadn't rang twice when the assistant's voice was heard. "Good day, Miss Brown! I saw your call.”“Yess! Lord of Xander had been cured. I decided to convene a press conference, and a business party afterwards. Can you do that?” Angelique Brown muttered. The assistant's voice hinted with surprise, “Really ma'am! Wow, I'm so happy right now! When will the press conference come up?”" Tomorrow will be fine! Yeah, we should do it tomorrow!” Angelique replied while nudging at Roman for his response. Roman also nodded his head in response. After some minutes of discussing about the conference, Angelique ended the call, and turned to Roman with a broad smile on he
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Chapter 10 | The Arrogant Katherine
Chapter 10“And who are you to tell me that, Katherine? You're Not the owner of the estate, are you? Why are you disturbing me?” Roman asked coldly. Jennifer's friend, Katherine, was shocked by his countenance. In the past, Roman wasn't quite bold but here he is, talking back at her. She turned to the man in the car, “Can you hear what he is saying? An ordinary person can't be granted access into the estate, right? What the hell is he doing here then?" She asked. The man who had driven them into the estate was a salesman of this estate. He felt nervous as he saw how cheap Roman's clothes are. He responded, “With the cheap clothes he has on, I'm sure he is not a resident of this estate” A sly smirk appeared on her face, “What? You aren't a resident, so what are you doing here, Roman? Don't tell me you are here begging for shelter or food!” She muttered. “, you aren't supposed to be in here, don't tell me you lure your way into the estate. Are you trying to steal from someone?”“T
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