The changes

Ivy's POV

      “They must be mistaken, " I said to myself. I lay on my bed and began to cry. I could hear what the ad and mom were saying in the sitting room. "You shouldn't have told her,” Mom said “She would have found out eventually,” Dad replied. “It can't be true, I cried harder, but then, it explained why I found the blood sweet, and the changes in my hair. “How am I going to go to college, everyone will run away from me, Ryan won't even look at me and maybe one day I will end up killing my mom and my friends” Different scary thoughts kept coming to me, and fear grew within me, " I won't kill anyone like that lady in my dream, I should better end my life,” I said ad mist tears.

      I brought out a long scarf from my wardrobe, I climbed a chair in my room and hung the scarf on my ceiling fan, placed my neck on it and kicked the chair. “Arghhh” I couldn't breathe, I gasped for air, and I pulled the scarf “Bang!!!” and to my surprise, both the scarf and the ceiling fan, and fell on the floor. “When did I become this strong?” I wondered. “So I can't even kill myself” I began to cry even more. 

      “Knock, knock!!! “Ivy, what was that sound? Are you alright? Open the door this instant” Mom and Dad shouted, “or I would force it open” Dad threatened. “I would rather not see you guys, if you force it open I will jump from the window and die, you know I will” I retorted. “Honey, we are sorry, we can go through this together,” Dad answered calmly. “I don't care, I hate the both of you” I shouted. I could hear Mom's sobbing, and I began to feel bad, “no I didn't do anything wrong,” I said to myself.

     I refused to come out of my room and since it was a weekend, Mom, and Dad came to knock on my door to check after me, but I still refused to open it. “Why should I forgive them, after all, they made me a half-human, and half-demon,” I said, I didn't get hungry as there were always snacks in my room. I have never been a fan of fictional characters and I didn't even believe they existed, and to my surprise now I am being told that not only do they exist, but now I am one of them. Knock, knock “Sweetie, it's alright just talking to Mom, I'm here for you, please eat something you haven't eaten for three full days,” Mom said soothingly, I could hear her footsteps as she walked away from my door. 

     I opened the door and found a tray with a bowl of porridge, orange juice, and bottled water. "I won't eat anything, I should run away from this house" I said quietly. I saw a note attached to the bottled water. “We can overcome this” was written on it, and I recognized the handwriting it was Dad's. I could feel the love that my parents had for me, I began to cry. It felt like I was a terrible daughter, I ran downstairs calling “Mom!!! Dad." I shouted. “Sweetie it's okay,” Mom said as she came out of the kitchen on hearing my voice, I hugged her tightly as she patted my hair. “It's alright sweetie, Mom will always be here for you,” she said calmly. “What will you want to eat? I will prepare anything for you” Mom asked after I let go of her. “I want potato pudding,” I said, “Okay sweetie I will prepare it” she answered smiling. I went back upstairs to take my bath. I looked in a mirror and the green part of my hair had increased to the middle, I could see something written on my back, I turned around and found it was a drawing, but it was not completed. I could understand what was happening to me as it must be something related to demons hope I can handle this situation” I mumbled. I took my bath and went downstairs.

“Mom, where are you going? I asked as she was about to leave the house, “I need to go quick shopping as we have run out of some ingredients” she answered, “I will come with you” I said as I walked towards her, “Let's go” she replied. We took her car and drove off, the supermarket isn't very far from our house, but we were stuck in traffic, “mom that man is talking about you” I said, pointing at a man in the car close to ours, “what did he say, and how did you hear him? Mom asked I don't know, but he said you look gorgeous but you shouldn't drive. You are bad at it” I answered, looking at me unbelievably as there was no way I could hear what someone who was far away said. I don't know how I managed to hear, but I heard, Soon I began to hear different loud noises as though different people were talking in my head, it soon began to spin, mom I can hear different noises” I said, holding my head” mom looked at strangely, “what happening” I could hear her say, but her mouth didn't move, don't tell me I can hear people thought, I thought. I have seen so many movies where someone could hear other people's thoughts and so many weird things have happened to me, so it wasn't too strange to me, I wished I could hear people's thoughts, so I was happy. Furthermore, I put on my earphones with loud music, I couldn't hear the people again, so this worked, I said in amusement.

Mom's POV

“What's happening to Ivy? She is behaving like a different person, how did she hear what that man said? I wondered. I looked at her as she listened and danced to whatever song she was listening to, I smiled faintly, “What's going to happen to my daughter? I heaved a sigh, she looked at me and I smiled. “Ivy, drink this can of water” I handed her a can, “it's okay,” she said. We got to the supermarket, I parked the car and we walked in. “Ivy, you can remove your headphones now,” I said, but she couldn't hear me. I tapped her and removed the earphones for her.

Ivy's POV

    Mom tapped me and removed the earphones, I smiled at her as we entered the elevator. We got inside and started picking what we needed, “Mom, what's that thing on that woman's head? I asked, looking scared, “there's nothing on her head” Mom answered. A small hairy creature the size of a baby, it had a skinny hand and legs which looked like that of a frog, and a long beak with which it used to suck the woman's blood. It made silly, creepy sounds, which made my hair stand. It felt as though scales fell out of my eyes, I looked around, and I could see different types of creatures on some people's heads, fear gripped me and I broke into a cold sweat.” Mom, I will wait for you in the car” I said as I collected her car keys and ran towards the elevator. I got to the car and began to wonder what those creatures were, Mom and the rest of the people couldn't see them, “I should probably ask Dad,” I said quietly.

Mom's POV

   I was unable to understand or see what Ivy was talking about, I looked around, and it all seemed normal to me. I finished buying what I needed and headed back to the car, I peeped inside and found her very asleep, I knocked to wake her up, and she opened her eyes and opened the car door. “Are you alright? I asked worriedly, “I'm fine, I just need to take a nap,” she said as she closed her eyes and continued her sleep. By the time we got home, Ivy was deeply asleep, “she looks like an angel, I said as I watched her sleeping peacefully, I smiled as I remembered when I first held her in my arms 18 years ago. “ It seems Deaban is back,” I said when I saw his car in the parking lot. I picked up my phone and called him, “Sweetie, can you come and carry Ivy? She is sleeping deeply, and I would rather not wake her up” I asked. “I will be right there” he answered, Deaban appeared quickly and carried Ivy up to her room, while I carried the stuff I bought to the kitchen.

Ivy's POV

I opened my eyes, and Dad was watching me closely, “are you awake sweetie? He asked, "Yes Dad,” I answered. I stood up and sat on my bed," Something strange happened today, I could hear what others were thinking, and I also saw some creatures on other heads, what's happening, and what were those? I asked, “I couldn't ask Mom as she didn't understand what I was saying” I added. “ You could hear them because we can see and read humans' minds, those creatures you saw are demons who lived off human blood, sorrows, and pains. They bring pain and sorrow to the humans that they attach themselves to, avoid making eye contact with them because if they find out that you can see them they will make you their prey” he answered. I couldn't alter any words, I only became more afraid.

Deaban's POV

     “Ivy must have accepted her demon self, that's why she can now see and hear these things,” I said to myself. “Get some rest and try not to think about it too much,” I said as I moved close to the door. “ I should begin her training soon as we both have a Mission to accomplish,” I thought with a smirk on my face.

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