The demons buried below

The people on the streets below screamed and scattered in fear, seeking safety from the unexpected terror that had emerged from the depths.

Panic spread like wildfire, and chaos erupted throughout the vicinity.

Arthur tried to make meaning of what this meant. Then his mind flashed back to the news he heard this morning.

Somehow, that mysterious cave must have a connection.

This was not a mere coincidence; something had awakened this demon's powers and he was going to find out what it is.

First things first, he must protect the city and its people.

He swiftly descended, his white wings guiding him to the heart of the chaos.

As he landed, the ground trembled beneath his feet, and the air crackled with energy.

"Stand back!" Arthur called out, his voice commanding attention.

The onlookers gaped at Arthur, astonished to see a being like him with wings.

The demon turned its attention to the imposing figure before it.

It was clearly drawn to Arthur's divine power, sensing the threa
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