My luck’s been so great after waking up, first of all I didn’t die after finding myself in this new world and now meeting a familiar face immediately after coming into this place

I don’t see myself able to get close with this much crowd. It would be nice if I could meet her though. She should be able to tell me what happened.

She really looks different, like she’s gone through so much.

The crowd seem pretty excited. She must be famous among them being at the forefront.

I hide behind one for the thatched huts. Don’t want to get spotted by her, she’d be panicked to find someone who should be dead, alive. Can’t have her thinking she’s been haunted by ghosts or something.

I follow procession using the buildings and wall of crowd as cover. As guessed, they dismantled and distributed the meat to the people. It looked like this was just one of many groups as when the ones they had was finished another came onto the table. Again she stood on her feet distributing to the people. This should b
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