Chapter 7: Arianne
“Portals will open shortly. Please finalize your decisions and proceed at the front of your Selected Portal.”

“Ah geez. I need to find her. I’m really sorry if I can’t go with you,” Mikaila apologized.

“It’s okay! We can still meet inside the game. We’ll just add you to our Friend List so we can keep in touch,” Arianne said.

“Sure!” Mikaila agreed.

Arianne and their classmates sent friend requests to Mikaila.

“Again, Portals will open shortly. Please finalize your decisions and proceed at the front of your Selected Portal,” an announcement was heard again.

“I’ll just accept these later. I need to find my friend first,” Mikaila said.

“It’s okay! You can do it anytime,” Sheena replied.

“Uhm, Mikaila. We will be going. Good luck out there and if you need help, just contact us and we’ll keep in touch,” Arianne told Mikaila.

“Sure, Arii, and thank you! You too, good luck out there!”

They smiled and bid their farewells.

Arianne and her classmates walked towards the ‘Plains’ Portal
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