Black Family's Boxing Day

Ivan was watching TV with Sera on his thighs and legs on the nearby table. Ivanna had forced them to his father's house and watched a show that had started.

"Ivan?" Gerald exclaimed

Ivan glanced and turned his eyes back to the television.

"Mother said we should come." Sera smiled "We left the presents on the table."

"Why didn't you just come yesterday?" Gerald asked

Ivan interrupted, "I wished to be happy yesterday."

"Ivan." Sera frowned

"Sorry," he said unapologetically

"You're here" Walter, Ivan's father said, "WHO IS THIS WOMAN AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!?!"

Ivan raised his eyebrow and remembered, "I didn't invite you to my wonder it felt so good."

"Wedding?" Dina, Walter's wife in the kitchen exclaimed

Sera stood up and curtsied, "Sera Black, Ivan's wife."

"You married?!" Walter snapped

Ivan pulled Sera back into an embrace and smiled, "Happily."

"You're not going to work?" Walker sighed

The married couple smiled, "Boxing Day."

"That isn't a holiday!" His fa
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