Wake Up And Run

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Wake Up And Run

By: BinSarman Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 84 views: 994

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Abducted and thrown into a dying world in another dimension, a world where science is like magic as a test subject without memory. For him to save both the earth and this world, he has to survive it first, and find the most important thing in his life and the rest of the abducted humans.

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  • sarman box


    I like it, it a wonderful story

    2023-04-16 05:39:37
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84 chapters
Wake up wake up and run
Wake up, wake up, she started in a low voice while trying to shake him hard from the deep sleep he was in. I think there is someone in the house. In half closed eyes, looking at her in the dark room, he reacted by saying, "What? When? Where"I told you there is someone in the house.He stood up hurriedly and awake now, then he said, "Call 911." I will go and check", he looked around and saw a baseball pat around the corner of the room like it was kept for him in that place at that specific time and opened the room slowly, trying not to make any sound, and moved slowly with no idea where to start the search or even what to do if he found the intruder.Nema grabbed her cell phone and called 911, dividing her attention between her phone and the other half listening to any sounds coming from her husband. She doesn't remember what the 911 operator told her after she reported that there is someone in her house. All she remembers is the loud banging sound that she heard and the sound of her
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The Cabin
The pain was unbearable for Nema, and it was hard for her to talk, but still, her mind was racing to find out what happened to her husband. The doctor didn't give her any information, which made her worry more. She tried to recall what had happened, but her mind was unable to recall the entire event. Did she pass out, or did something happen to her that caused her to lose consciousness? In a faded memory or in something that looks like a night mare, or some kind of a dream, she thinks she saw two men come into her room while she was on the phone with 911, but the memory couldn't help her. The strange thing is that why can't she move her body? Is that really the effect of the coma, as the doctor says. The pain was getting stronger and stronger and she was on the verge of screaming from the pain when the nurse came into the room with a needle in her hand without a word or even looking at her. The nurse said, "this is for the pain and the doctor will come to see you in a while." With
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The Gateway
The unbearable headache that hit my head suddenly woke me up without opening my eyes, holding my head with both hands. I tried to sit down on my bed, but there was no edge to the bed on whichever side I turned my legs, still suffering from incredible pain in my head. I opened my eyes but closed them again quickly because of the very bright light that hit my vision. Once more, I opened my eyes, but this time as slowly as possible. It took me about twenty seconds to adjust my vision to my surroundings, opening and shutting my eyes several times while still suffering from the headache. The scene around me didn't make any sense to me at all. I was surrounded by green grass a few inches high everywhere I turned and looked. This green field is around me as far as my eyes can see and nothing else. Above me is the blue sky, with little clouds here and there, and nothing else. It was the biggest field I have ever seen. Where I am was the first question that came to my mind. Trying to go
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The Gateway 2
The unbearable headache that hit my head suddenly woke me up without opening my eyes, holding my head with both hands. I tried to sit down on my bed, but there was no edge to the bed on whichever side I turned my legs, still suffering from incredible pain in my head. I opened my eyes but closed them again quickly because of the very bright light that hit my vision. Once more, I opened my eyes, but this time as slowly as possible. It took me about 20 seconds to adjust my vision to my surroundings, opening and shutting my eyes several times while still suffering from the headache. The scene around me didn't make any sense to me at all. I was surrounded by green grass a few inches high everywhere I turned and looked. This green field is around me as far as my eyes can see and nothing else. Above me is the blue sky, with little clouds here and there, and nothing else. It was the biggest field I have ever seen. Where I am was the first question that came to my mind. Trying to go back wi
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Welcome To Angariya
Emika was pondering her thoughts when she noticed that the cup in her hand had turned cold. With a sigh, she set the cup down and turned to face the direction; there was a shadow in the same spot where the young man had stood in her dream; she closed her eyes, waited a few seconds, and then opened them again, hoping that what she saw was just her imagination. This distance between where she is sitting and the location of what appears to be a young man walking straight to the west gate is almost 3 kilometers, which was allowing her to see practically perfectly clearly everything except the features of his face that he is a young man wearing a strange clothes. Is it a coincidence that he appears in the same spot as she did in her dream last night, or is he there and this is a premonition? That was the first thought that came to her mind. She returned her gaze to the young man, this time rising from her seat and poking a small object on the table, torching the center of the object wi
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Welcome To Angariya 2
She is still a child. I am curious as to why they brought her here and her brother, he may appear to be tough, he is still a young boy. What do you think? asked one of the white roped men who were starting in line in a row, the one next to him in a very low voice, like a whisper. Without looking at him, he answered the question with a question. What do you think? And I kept looking at the young boy and girl who are unconscious in a tube surrounded by other men who look like them, in what seems to be a laboratory with a lot of different machines.There are more than 20 men wearing the same long white rope gear ware in the room some of them working in some type of machine and some are observing without doing any thing. Again he asked despite the fact that he hadnot received an answer to his initial question, is it really necessary to suppurate them? This time irritated by his colleagues questions he looked at at him and said that is the whole point of what we are doing or did you
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Origin Unknown
Raco was on the ground and sprinting towards the couple in the blink of an eye. It took him less than thirty seconds to reach them. During that time, the personal computer chip in his helmet automatically provided him with all the information he needed and presented it to him without asking and displayed it on a transparent screen in front of him, only visible to him. with recommendations also. Following those recommendations, he moved left to face the Fangag on that side since it was closest to the couple than the one behind them. Taking out a small object like a flashlight from a bag dangling from his side, he pressed a button on the end and a sword made of Lazer appeared and materialized in front of him. While running carrying the little girl, he noticed something or someone running towards him at a speed no human can match, and in the blink of an eye, turned and disappeared to his right side. At that time, he lost his momentum and his speed slowed. A few seconds later, While h
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Origin Unknown 2
Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw in front of him. "Bring them in," was the command he received, and he gestured to them with a sign from his hand indicating to follow him. Still with a blank expression on his face, the man looked at the young girl. "He wants us to follow him, I guess," he replied, nodding. that moment, a sign to stop and a shush came from the boy who was looking around. Suddenly, from nowhere, three men appeared from three different directions, each one of them holding a weapon in their hands that looked like a short spear and wearing a black overall uniform. The one closest to the boy spoke with him and said something, and the boy pointed at them. Then he gave the other two who came with him some orders, and each one of them moved to a different direction than the other one and moved in haste. The man came straight to them, with Raco following behind him and stopping in front of them. The man looked back at Raco and asked him "how many languages did
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Resistance is futile
In a dark alley in the capital city of Angadiya, which is called "Andoradiya," she woke up Nana with the same severe pain all over her body and an unbearable headache. It was hard to even open her eyes. She tried her best not to scream loudly from the pain she was feeling, holding her head with both her hands; she was capable of doing that and moaning, laying down on the hard surface of the alley floor. Finally, after almost 30 seconds, which seemed like eternity to her, the pain subsided and finally she was able to sit up and look around her. After almost a few more minutes, she stood and went to the lights that were coming from a nearby opening in front of her. With a few balanced steps, she moved slowly forward, falling sideways like a drunk person. There was nothing in her mind, her brain was totally black. As soon as the light hit her eyes, she started feeling the same severe headache aging, so she immediately closed her eyes and held her hand again. This time, fortunately, it
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Resistance is futile 2
Nema froze in her place, holding her hands high up, complying with orders she received, and was taken to a room for interrogation without a word. The officer threw her in it and locked the room behind her. She sat in the room for almost an hour when finally the door was opened and two men and a woman came in. The men each had a weapon in their hands and the woman was holding a small device in her hand. As soon as she sat in front of her, she put the device on the table and started staring at her without asking anything.Nema didn't give any push, as she was scared on top of the confusion she was in. The silence continued for almost a minute, which seemed longer than hours to Nema and increased the tension she had felt from the beginning. Feeling awkward from the woman's stare and trying to break the silence, she asked, "Can you please tell me what is going on, and why am I being arrested?" "Didn't you suppose to help me?". The surprise was evident on the woman's face when Nema sp
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