Luna's Trial part 2

"Hahaha. She is a promising young witch. If we want to survive in the future we need every young witch we can. We all know the situation on the Sanraisu. There are already many suspicious movements related to the clans reported. They will eventually set their eyes outside of the Sanraisu. They will notice our existence, if not today, a few years later at most. When the troubling times are getting closer, should we really punish our best witch?"

Camila furrowed her brows. She knew that Elijah was right. There were big troubles on the horizon. The number of the witches on the earth can't be compared to the clans of the Sanraisu. Also, some of the clans had much more power than most of the covens. So, this was one of the reasons why witch covens scattered around the world and hid from everyone else. To survive.

In a possible war against those clans, witches will certainly perish. This was the bitter truth every elder of every coven on earth had to accept. Elder Avery and Elder Layla look
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