Chapter 5 A deal from the demon king

After killing the demon Anthony walked passed the dukes and wanted to make his way outside of the wall when he was stopped by Randel.

"How did you obtain such power" Randel asked him,he didn't replied,help us defeat the demon king Randel asked him.

"Who is the demon king and what is a demon,is it the creature that I killed?" just now Anthony asked,he doesn't even knows about demons he sure is from another world one of the dukes said.

Once again in the hall all the dukes gathered in front of the grand duke but this time Anthony joined them.

"Who is this man,is this even a man the grand duke spoke,we have identify him as someone from another world, "then how did he get here?" the grand duke asked, "when Randel tried to activate the barrier a portal was opened from the multi verse and he was teleported to our universe" Damien said.

"I thought the multi verse you talked about was not confirmed and was just a theory" the grand duke said,even I thought so but they is no way to explain this phenomenon.

So why was he brought here? the grand duke asked he killed a demon with a sword that he can summon any time he want,he beheaded the demon and it died Randel said.

What I thought demon could only be killed by fire so beheading works too,this is great news the grand duke said,yes but there is one problem we are magician not swordsmen so we do no know how to use a sword one of the dukes said.

Well let the stranger teach us how to use a sword the grand duke said as he looked at Anthony, will you teach us stranger the grand duke spoke.

"He doesn't talk does he" the grand duke said,Anthony stood up and all the dukes looked at him,he wanted to say something but then

<Demons detected>

He charged out of the room toward where the demon was,why did he run out so fast what is he going to do the grand duke asked the other dukes.

The last time he ran away like that was when he discovered demon Randle spoke maybe demons are attacking, immediately all the dukes received alarm that 10 demons were spotted at the gate of the city and help is needed.

All the dukes quickly went to where the demons were found, this amount of demons has never been recorded before and this is the second attack today something is really wrong Randle said inwardly.

Anthony with his speed has already reached where the demons were but he was surprised to see them leisurely sitting down and not attacking.

Who is that,he is not a magician one of the demon said,but he looked different or is it my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Anthony asked, leave before you get killed he said,the demon shrugged and looked at Anthony,I think you don't know the situation you are in the demon in center spoke clearly he was the leader of this group.

There are ten of us and only one of you what can you do he said,well I think I can take the ten of you Anthony spoke exhibiting confidence rather than fear,even dukes can't face four demon alone but this guy seem different the demon said.

Besides we didn't come here to fight,we brought a deal from the demon king.

The demon king Anthony said, that was when all the dukes and mages came and found Anthony talking to the demons, ten medium level demons,so all of you are here good the demon king extend his greeting to your little city and I brought a deal from the demon king the leader of the group spoke.

The demon king ask that you hand over your city willingly so that he may spare you and not destroy it to the ground the demon said as he smiled.

"What nonsense are you saying we should hand over our city to the demon king, insolence you all are going to die here" Damien said.

And who is going to kill us the demon said as he laughed,Anthony turned back and walked away,is he afraid the demon laughed I knew he had nothing.

Anthony reached where the mages were and collected one of their magical orb, "how am I going to fight without my orb?" the mage asked don't worry you won't have to fight Anthony said as he swallowed the magical orb.

The mages and dukes gaps,even the demons were shocked with his action.

<Magical orb absorbed>

<System overpowered>

<Activating rapid burst to reduce power>

<Rapid burst activated>

He walked slowly towards the demon and stopped then his sword materialized in his hands then blue smoke started coming out from his body.

The demon in charge looked at him and said to his other demons,if he takes another step forward kill him do you understan..... hu hu he gaps for air as his neck was slashed,the other demons shocked and quickly moved away only to find Anthony at the back of the demon head that was slashed.

His head fell off as the mages and dukes eyes widen,Anthony looked at the five demons that moved to the right hand side and with a blink of the eye he attacked them.

Before they could attack or defend the first demon head was already cut off,the other four at the left hand side tried to run but the mages and dukes attacked them,one succeeded in getting away but three was killed.

The other three were killed by Anthony.

The demon king is preparing to attack the city we have to do something about it and quickly Randle said, yes you are right we need to prepare.

"I am going to kill the demon king" Anthony said,the dukes looked at him and saw the determinuniverse hisoneyes.

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