Chapter 8: Illumination

Silats' death was very scary, he was hung from the ceiling by a whip around his neck, his arms were twisted backward, his eyes were wide open, and his face was as white as those of ancient opera actors. chalk, not a piece of cloth to cover. The two prison guards had to work hard to pull the body down, but there was no way to make the arms of the corpse slide down and return to their original position. The surrounding area was very clean, and there was not even a single drop of blood, so for the time being, it can only be said that this is a suicide. But it makes the experienced police officers very skeptical, from the foot of the corpse to the floor up to a meter away, but at the scene, there is no chair and no object to be used. The victim as a fulcrum to climb. And the ceiling is quite high, how can the victim hang the whip to form a noose around his neck. All theories and conclusions that are not suitable, let alone unscientific, to explain this problem, some people even think is m
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