Test 2

"Hello everyone my name is Nicholas, shall we all introduce ourselves before the test starts" Nicholas said with a smile, he was being friendly because if they want to survive they would all have to work together.

"The name is Carter pretty boy and who put you in charge?" Carter the boy that have been rampaging and screaming ever since said, looking like a teenage tyrant.

"Don't mind him he is always grumpy, my name is Derrick, nice to meet you" the other boy said with a polite smile towards Derrick, his smile was really refreshing, 'a typical handsome boy' Nicholas thought to himself, forgetting he himself was still handsome.

"The name is Ivy, pleasure to meet you" 'wow what a melodious voice with a beautiful face' Nicholas thought to himself but smiled politely back at the girl, she was the girl who had a bun, with her purple hair and purple eyes.

"My name is Lily, pleasure to meet you" she said while giggling, she was the curious girl who asked if the man in the hologram was on a costume, her ashburn hair looked really beautiful.

"Freya" the last girl that has been quiet ever since finally spoke, her name was Freya nothing else, she wasn't exactly the talking type, she looked beautiful but scary also, her red hair blaze like the inferno, her red eyes seems to see through people, her whole expression was the one of focus, but she seems to keep to herself, Nicholas nodded at her.

"Everyone listen we have to work together to pass this test, we have less than a minute left before the test begin, go through your bags and try....." before Nicholas could continue his words Carter interrupted him.

"Who made you king? huh pretty boy, if anybody is to lead the group it should be...." 

Before Carter could finish his words something strange happened, a magic circle with eight diagram appeared in the place where the hologram was before, and then something came out, they were monsters.

The first monster to come out was a Roach, they were coming out one by one, they were about 12 of them.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, am scared of disgusting insects" Lily screamed, this snapped everyone from their trance, even Nicholas who was prepared was stupefied when he saw the monsters, he was only imagining the scenario but the real thing was also mortifying for him.

"Everybody runnnnnnn" Nicholas shouted while rushing to the door, but the speed of the Roach were not something to joke about, he remembered they were fast but weak, but even they were weak, they were not something teenagers could take on.

He immediately picked up a yellow ball "everyone close your eyes for a second" Nicholas shouted "what the fuck are you...." Carter was screaming while shouting but couldn't finish his words before Nicholas threw the yellow ball up, which brought about a blinding light. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh my eyes, fuck what did you do" Carter was the only person with his eyes open screaming like an idiot.

"Everyone run the light would blind them for just three minutes and some one help me to grab this idiot" Nicholas said while going to pick up Carter, nobody turned back for Carter, they all ran and left the building, only Freya decided to stop at the door and turned back to assist Nicholas, they hurriedly left the building, but it wasn't save outside either, there were magic circles opening all around.

"Shit everyone stay together, let's find some where to hide before the time elapses" Nicholas screamed when he got outside but nobody was listening to him, and he was carrying garbage along, Freya, him and Carter who was the garbage.

"Freya we need to go somewhere and hide right now or we would be dying for nothing, I have somewhere in mind would you follow me?" Nicholas said looking at Freya, who only nodded her head.

They ran towards the clocktower which Nicholas had in mind ever since, it was the perfect building to escape the monsters and monitor what was happening around, the clock tower can serve as protection and surveillance. 

They all ran towards the clock tower but they were monsters roaming around it. "Carter if your eyes are better don't open it yet, and Freya please close your eyes for a second" Freya nodded, Carter on the other hand just hmph, Nicholas threw another light ball blinding everything within the vicinity.

"Everyone now run" Nicholas said running towards the clock tower, they enter it closed the door and ran to the top closing the entrance towards it.

When they turned only to find a Goger there, this was a level two monster, who was neither slow nor fast but was stronger, it looked like the ugliest version of a goblin.

"Shit smart guy what are we gonna do now?" Carter said screaming at Nicholas catching the attention of the Goger who was distracted before.

"Can you stop screaming you idiot" Freya said pissed off at Carter, who was always complaining, they were all sweating buckets, the Goger screamed and attacked them, Carter was petrified out of fear, he grabbed Freya and threw her to the incoming Goger, luckily for her Nicholas has already grabbed a red ball and threw it towards the Goger which immediately got caught in flames and started screaming.

"Freya, Carter take the red orb from your bags and throw it towards that monster" Freya immediately took the red orb from her bag as she was closer to the monster, threw it straight at the monster, the monster screamed louder and fell from the watchtower from the opening of the clock.

"Ahh ahh ahh, thank you for saving my life" Freya said while looking greatful towards Nicholas.

"It was nothing, that's what am supposed to do, anyone in my shoes would have done that" Nicholas said with a bright smile towards Freya.

"I don't think so, most people are cowards and wouldn't think twice using someone as a meat shield" Freya said glancing towards Carter.

Carter only wanted to find somewhere to hide but nobody even answered him again paying good with evil.

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