
Meanwhile, Trevor and Dalton were still sitting across from each other, with empty tea cups in front of them.

"So, how are your studies going?" Dalton asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It’s going great, sir; we are about to be done with our last semester," Trevor answered.

"Yeah, that’s good," Dalton mumbled. Although he saw Trevor as a responsible young man, he was still having doubts about them getting married because he knows that marriage is not an easy job, and he wanted to make sure that Trevor also knew that.

"So, after you and my daughter get engaged and get married, what is going to be the next step from there?" Dalton asked with his hands clasped on the table, staring at Trevor. Dalton asked the question, hoping that Trevor would understand what he wanted to know.

"We are going to move into my apartment together and open a flower shop together; we have a little bit of our future planned out," Trevor answered. Although Trevor has plans with Brianna, he knows that they are n
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