Chapter 218: Before the storm


The breath burst from his throat when her back struck the ground. Retto yanked aside the cloth that clung to his face and struggled in the darkness for a few moments before recognizing that she was in his bedroom.

He fell out of bed in his sleep.

Retto collected his blankets and climb back into the bed.

It was late June now, and although the sunlight was getting warmer, the predawn morning was still freezing. It was mostly because the town they live in was located on a plateau. The lush green forest nearby also gives off a heavy breeze making every morning cold.

Retto doesn’t particularly sleep too much. But this time he goes back to bed to get some sleep. But after moments of staying in bed eyes closed. His unable to sleep and give up. He sat up and turned his head to his side where his wife was supposed to be sleeping.

“She’s already up…”

His someone trying his best to be a good husband and future father of their first child. Retto can’t afford the time to laze around like b
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