Chapter 13: KILL OR DO NOT KILL?

Frustration, pain, frustration, anger…

It turns out that sometimes such negative emotions come into play. I feel the strength slowly rising in my body along with the pain like an electric current running through my veins. I lay motionless, eyes wide open and direct toward the large light bulb commonly found in the operating room. Since I can't stand the light for too long, I close my eyes tightly. Sighing again, I am helpless, what should I do now? How am I supposed to live? Why did they save me? And why was I so stupid then to accept Ell's suggestion?

Take a look, what's my future? No, nothing but a mysterious and terrifying black. The darkness will swallow me, they are slowly killing me. What do I live for? What do people live for? Don't all the people in this world live to die? So if I died earlier, would I have completed the last step of a quick human life? Sooner or later, whether rich or poor, boy or girl, what awaits them is the door of death. Therefore, it doesn't make much di
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