From Scorn to Throne: William Anderson's Journey

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From Scorn to Throne: William Anderson's Journey

By: Yurriansan CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 169 views: 9.1K

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William is a young man with no family name. He lived with his foster family in the Englewood area, leading a difficult life as a low-paid janitorial worker and always being humiliated. William didn't suffer much when his adoptive father, Daniel Johnson, was still around. After his death, his adoptive mother Sheryl and her two sons tortured and oppressed William. They made him a slave to make money and also tortured him. William stayed there because he thought he had to help his mother and brother. However, one day he caught Jordan, Sheryl's eldest son, making love to William's girlfriend Merida. Because of this, Williams was angry and they lost. Unfortunately, in the end William was beaten almost to death and then he was left on the street under heavy rain. However, the surprising thing was that when William woke up he was in a luxurious and comfortable place. Someone brought William, he was Julian Winter, a lawyer from the Lucas Anderson family-one of the richest businessmen in Chicago. Not only that, Julian also told him that William was Lucas Anderson's grandson whom he had been looking for for 10 years. William's world changes instantly when Julian shows proof that he is not mistaken and not only can he find his family, William is also entitled to his grandfather's company and all Anderson's assets are his. William will keep this a secret. He will make a calculation on the Johnson family who are mean to him. They had to realize what he had done. From that moment on, William began his adventure as Lucas Anderson's grandson.

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  • Yurriansan


    If you're reading double chapters, I'm sorry, it's because of network issues. I will fix it soon

    2024-02-13 10:29:32


    good story

    2023-11-22 20:13:20
  • Yurriansan


    Wellcome to my story

    2023-11-22 13:08:33
  • Angera Heywards


    a very confusing book

    2023-11-16 16:48:28
  • Affry Siadari


    this book is good, can't wait for the next ....

    2023-11-14 08:57:10
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169 chapters
Two Million Dollars Received!
The clock on the wall at the Johnson family's luxurious residence read 9pm. At that time, everyone had been partying to celebrate the birthday of the eldest son in the house. Jordan. William, who was in the kitchen, was not allowed to enter the party. Yes, he was just the adopted son of the late Daniel Johnson. Since his arrival, he had never been accepted by Sheryl, the hostess, or her two sons Mickey and Jordan."Hey, Riffraff!" Jordan called out to him.William just stared at him."What are you doing, staying in the kitchen! Look at that in front, the glasses are dirty. Go get them! You're useless." Jordan cursed."I have a stomach ache," William complained. The smell of alcohol wafting everywhere; the crumbs of messy food, and also the very noisy music made William's stomach acid seem to rise. Just now, he threw up. However, it seemed like his complaints would be ignored by Jordan. Ever since his late father had brought him home, Jordan, as well as the others, thought William was
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Lucas Anderson is his Grandfather
Lucas Anderson is his GrandfatherThe stranger on the phone explained to William who he really was. As it turns out, his father, William, was the sole heir of the Anderson Global Group all along. Unfortunately, when William was 8 years old, an accident resulted in his parents' death and William's disappearance. Lucas Anderson had been trying to find his grandson and mobilized all the media to find William. Unfortunately, the search was really difficult. There were so many people who deceived Lucas, that in the end the search for William was fruitful. When William was 12 years old, he was with Daniel Johnson, a generous doctor in Engelwood City.At first, Lucas Anderson wanted to take William back to his home. However, on the advice of Julian Winter, his confidant, Lucas decided it was better to let William stay there. William had to get a natural education about how to value life, value money and also about real hard work. And all this time he was never really alone. Julian, his lawy
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He's not a riff-raff
"Alright," William thought. Since Jordan didn't want to give him his old clothes anymore, William had to buy new ones. The same goes for his college books. He would go to a store to buy clothes.William deliberately chose a grocery store. He bought a few pieces and then immediately paid at the cashier. Who would have thought, when he was shopping, he met Mickey. Actually, in terms of age, the young man was younger than William, but he didn't show any politeness at all when he met him."What are you doing here? How dare a hobo like you show the bridge of your nose in front of my eyes," Mickey said.William just rolled his eyes. "Do you think I'm so out of work that I had to follow you here?" he asked rhetorically. "Of course I have my own business and I just wanted to buy some clothes, so it has nothing to do with you."Offended by this, Mickey said, "You're shameless! You already ruined my brother's birthday party and now you're ruining my day! It's really bad luck to be your foster b
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Kiss His Feet!
Mickey, was surprised by William's recent talk of buying the expensive bag. 13,000 dollars was not a small amount. Even those who had just moved to Chicago, after years of living in the village, still had to think hundreds of times to be able to buy a bag with such an expensive price. How could someone who had just bought clothes at the grocery store have the audacity to pay that much?Mickey realized that he was being lied to by William. "Stop wasting time, William!"Rose who said she would help with the payment suddenly became silent. She also thought, how could she fall for this man's shabby clothes?"If you continue to live like this, it will only make my late father ashamed of having raised you as a son!""What's wrong with that?" William asked in surprise. "I wanted to buy this bag for your mother, why are you protesting now?""Of course I'm protesting! Because you lied to all of us here! Don't you think this is embarrassing?" Mickey bluffed."I'm not lying to you," William show
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They Were Dumbfounded
William smiled with satisfaction. This was the first time he had won a money deal and imagined Mickey having to kneel in front of him. However, he also had to hold back his laughter when he saw the man kneeling in front of him with a pale face."Never mind, get up," William said after a while of enjoying the moment. Before Mickey got up, William had already apologized to the store manager for making a scene. The store manager was almost threatened with dismissal if William didn't forgive his dismissive attitude.Now his life has changed after all he knows his true identity. No one can insult him anymore. William is no longer a beggar that they can belittle like before.Speaking of the bag, William actually wanted to leave it to Mickey but he changed his mind because it was certain that the man would not accept the fact that this was a gift from William.He came to the house himself and gave it to Josy, Sheryl's housekeeper.William came to Sheryl's house, where she was relaxing while l
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Special Card
Vera felt her heart racing as she pressed the call button. Her cell phone felt heavy in her hand because she was thinking about someone. Who else but William. The news about him had spread among their college friends, and it wasn't good. It was about him being kicked out of his host family's house.Vera couldn't make it to Jordan's event. Hence, not knowing anything about Willliam's news. Now she couldn't avoid the worry that was growing inside her."Hello, Vera?" William's familiar voice finally came from the other side of the line. He seemed to be doing well, much to Vera's relief."Will, I heard you're no longer living at your foster parents' house?" asked Vera matter-of-factly. She had known for a long time that William was only an adopted son and had never made a big deal out of it. Being adopted doesn't make William look bad.There was a moment of silence before William answered her question. "Yes, that's right," he said in a calm voice."Where are you now?" Vera asked again. He
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Unexpected Meeting
When dawn broke the next day, William was already in the doorway of his apartment, ready to start the day with renewed vigor. With his casual clothes and favorite hat, he left the modest apartment and started pedaling his old bicycle towards the city center. Her main destination was a shopping center and she wanted to buy something. Whether it was jewelry or maybe a watch.The fresh morning air lifted her spirits. The quiet streets of the city made William's ride even more enjoyable. Enthusiasm bubbling up in him, he was eager to choose the best gift for his best friend.Upon arriving at the accessories store, William was greeted by the sight of a display case filled with various types of luxurious and charming accessories. Diamond earrings, pearl bracelets, and gold necklaces adorned the store. He felt a little confused about what to choose, but he knew that Vera would love something unique and meaningful. As she was busy picking out items, she suddenly spotted two familiar figures a
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He's Shocked and Accuses It of Being Fake
"I was invited by Vera," William replied calmly. Although Jordan looked angry, he tried to keep his demeanor casual and unprovoked.However, Jordan did not take the explanation well. He stood in front of the door, blocking William's way in. "You're just making the air in here stink, better leave!" he said in an annoyed tone.Meanwhile, Vera, who saw the commotion, felt the need to intervene. She walked over to them and welcomed William in a friendly manner. "Willi, are you here?" she said with a big smile. Although the situation was a little tense because of Jordan's presence, she tried to keep the atmosphere warm and friendly.William turned to Vera and nodded slowly. "Ah, yes," he replied with a faint smile. He was relieved that Vera's presence made the situation a little calmer.Jordan moved to the corner of the room, he stood there and his eyes watched William and Vera who were talking. Her facial expression was serious, her lips tightly sealed against any words that might make th
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Luxury Car
The commotion that ensued made the atmosphere even more heated. The accusers continued to talk, accuse and spread slander about William. Vera was upset with the situation. She could no longer stand hearing her friends talk badly about William. She raised her right hand, showing the watch that William had just given her as a birthday present. The watch looked luxurious and elegant on her wrist, although there were some people who called it a fake."Fake or not, I accept William's gift!" she exclaimed in a loud voice.They were surprised by Vera's reaction, which was so assertive and brave in defense of William.William was not happy with the situation. He felt guilty that his gift had earned Vera the ridicule and scorn of the other guests. The commotion at the party gets worse as people start talking louder and louder and the atmosphere becomes more and more heated.Merida asked one of her friends there. "Richard, your father collects fancy watches, doesn't he?" she asked. "You must kn
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William was Defamed
William was startled by Evan's explanation. His eyes rounded, his lips parted slightly and his breathing stopped for a moment. He felt like he was in a dream, or rather a very strange dream.Evan saw William's reaction and tried to reassure him that this was not a dream. "This is nothing," he said. "Your grandfather has a lot more money than you think," Evan continued, trying to give an idea of the incredible wealth Lucas Anderson had.Hearing this explanation made William even more surprised. He swallowed hard as he tried to compose himself."Oh yes, my Lord, you're leaving, aren't you?" asked Evan later, reminding him of their original purpose for meeting in that place."Yes," William replied briefly."Then take the car with me," Evan invited as he opened the car door for William.The car looked so nice and comfortable. A Lamborghini Veneno Roadster with a luxurious interior and a powerful engine, who wouldn't want to ride in it? William also wanted to. But for now he didn't want to
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