
8 ratings


By: Bunny bear CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 179 views: 28.0K

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BLURB In a tale of treachery and loss, we meet Elijah West. Once the rightful heir to the West family, Elijah's life takes a dark turn when he is poisoned, betrayed, and banished, losing everything he held dear and becoming a hunted man. During his escape, an old man rescued him, and in a twist of fate, Elijah ended up marrying the man's granddaughter, Hayley, before the old man passed away. Unfortunately, the ordeal left Elijah with amnesia, turning him into a mere fool. Hayley, a beautiful woman from Georgia, faced disdain and contempt from everyone after marrying Elijah and losing her grandfather. The Greene family treated Elijah poorly and subjected him to mistreatment. But after two years, a miraculous turn of events brings back Elijah's memory, and he begins to recover. As the dragon returns, will there be enough room for the Eagle to soar in the sky? The future hangs in the balance.

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  • Augustine


    I so much loved this

    2024-05-01 15:29:47
  • Bunny bear


    Hello readers, please do not read chapter 124 and 125. They are both repeated chapters. I accidentally uploaded them thrice because of the bad network.

    2024-03-16 19:15:58
  • Bunny bear


    Checkout my third baby. Jake Klien: Rise Of The Young Trillionaire. I bet you won't regret it and will surely keep you at the edge of your seats.

    2024-02-26 21:59:56
  • Daniel Adeniyi


    I enjoy this book... lol, job well done to bunny bear.

    2023-10-23 21:12:32
  • Bunny bear


    Interesting book, more updates please.

    2024-02-11 17:16:50
  • Bunny bear


    Interesting and intriguing book.

    2023-11-20 19:42:00
  • Augustine


    It an interesting book I mean just what I thought about it

    2023-11-18 16:03:27
  • Kyle Ibarra


    I had to quit reading this book. it was a waste that you made the mc act so weak and forced his wife to have sex with another man just to get a stupid contract. Such a wasted story!

    2024-06-18 15:15:42
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179 chapters
"You stupid thing, I told you to clear those plates before I get back. What did you do? You broke them. I will kill you today." Dorothy couldn't contain her anger as she kept yelling and hitting the young man on the ground with anything she could find.In an attempt to calm her mother down, Hayley Greene intervened, pleading, "Mom, it's okay. You'll hurt him. It's just a plate. We can buy more at anytime."However, her words seemed to provoke Dorothy even further. She retorted, "Buy new ones!!! Do you know how expensive those three plates he broke are? They are priceless." Dorothy managed to free herself from her daughter's grip and seized a small human figurine from the table, which she used to hit the man's head, causing him to bleed and lose consciousness."Ahhh!!!" Hayley's heart-wrenching scream echoed through the room as she shouted at her stunned mother, "Mom, you have killed him."Dorothy immediately recovered from her surprise, and she sneered, "It's good, let him die. He doe
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As Hayley maintained her silence, Old Mrs. Greene decided not to dwell on the matter and instead cut to the chase. "The reason why I called this meeting today is because business has been struggling lately, and we urgently need to secure some new contracts to revive the company and propel it towards success."Greene Industries was a clothing production and supply company. Unfortunately, after the passing of Hayley's grandfather, who had been the previous family head and Old Mrs. Greene's husband, the company began to face a downward trend. Despite the challenges, Old Mrs. Greene worked tirelessly to manage the company and prevent it from collapsing. Hayley, a business administration graduate and the head of the marketing department at Greene Industries, played a crucial role in this effort, introducing various plans that gradually stabilized and advanced the company.Feeling the weight of the situation, Daniel, who was present at the meeting, eagerly raised his hand, expressing his de
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Hayley looked around, as she realized she had mistakenly walked into the wrong ward. The man who was dead was not Elijah. Taking a deep breath, she noticed a nurse comforting a young lady in the room. The woman appeared haggard, but her elegant attire revealed her wealthy background. Hayley couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for her, knowing she must be going through a lot at the moment, due to the loss of her husband.Regaining her composure, Hayley retraced her steps until she finally arrived at the right ward where Elijah was resting, fast asleep. As she stood by his bedside, her emotions overwhelmed her, and she spoke softly in a low voice, "I'm going through a lot right now. When I'm with you, I feel anger, and yet, strangely, I also find a sense of calm. In a week, it will be three years since we got married, and at that point, I could choose to divorce you like grandpa said. But who will take care of you? I don't want you to suffer."Looking at Elijah's peaceful sleeping
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After a while, Hayley's car finally arrived at the impressive Greene family mansion. As soon as Dorothy caught sight of the car, she hurriedly rushed over to greet her daughter. "Hayley!" she called out with a touch of anxiety in her voice, "Why are you late? You know your grandmother doesn't tolerate lateness."Hayley responded with a sigh, "The car was the reason, Mom. I had to go to the mechanic's shop to pick it up, but just as I was about to drive it, a fault suddenly emerged. I had to wait for them to fix it before I could come."Finally, Elijah stepped out of the car, and upon seeing him, Dorothy lost her composure and became angry. "Why do you bring this useless thing here?" she exclaimed, attempting to strike Elijah.Hayley intervened, trying to calm her mother and protect Elijah from being hit. "Mom, please don't shout, and you're causing a scene in public," she urged, "besides, he's my husband, not an object. I can definitely bring him along."Fuming, Dorothy retorted, "Bei
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All eyes turned to Hayley's raised hand, but to everyone's surprise, she never actually touched Daniel's cheek. Her intention was to slap him, but before she could, Elijah intervened and delivered a resounding slap instead.The whole room was in shock, and it seemed as if time stood still as they observed Elijah's bold act.Daniel regained his composure after the initial shock and angrily confronted Elijah, "How dare you hit me?" he shouted, glaring at him with fury.The relatives present in the house began to whisper amongst themselves, expressing disbelief at what had just unfolded. "I can't believe it, that fool slapped Daniel, he's done for."Daniel's anger was boiling, and everyone present knew that Elijah would undoubtedly face severe consequences for his audacious actions.Hayley was well aware of Daniel's aggressive nature, and when she saw him boiling with anger, she immediately stepped in front of Elijah to protect him. With a determined voice, she addressed Daniel, "You kno
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Excitement lit up Tory's face as she asked her grandmother, "Grandma, am I the one?" She couldn't help but feel thrilled at the prospect of marrying into a wealthy family. However, her joy quickly vanished as she heard her grandmother's response.Old Mrs. Greene shook her head gently, "It's not you, Tory," and disappointment washed over Tory as she realized it wasn't her. The room fell silent, and others were surprised by the unexpected turn of events. Curiosity got the best of the other single girls, and they started asking if they were the chosen one.One after another, Mrs. Greene continued to shake her head, indicating that none of them were the fortunate individual. Finally, she raised her hand, gesturing for everyone to stop speculating.With a warm smile on her face, Mrs. Greene decided to put an end to the suspense. She spoke deliberately, building up anticipation, "Enough with the guesses. Let me reveal the person who captured Scott Payton's heart." A sense of anxiety filled
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As the room fell silent, all eyes were on Elijah, who had managed to shock everyone for the second time that day. First, he had slapped Daniel, and now he was issuing warnings to everyone present.Old Mrs. Greene couldn't hide her anger at the moment, and she was growing increasingly frustrated with Elijah's troublesome behavior.One person in the room couldn't help but express their concern, "What's wrong with this idiot? Is his sickness getting worse?"Those who knew Elijah from the past were surprised by his current behavior, as he had never dared to talk back to someone in the family or even consider laying a hand on someone before. This sudden change in demeanor was strange and unsettling.Amidst the tension, Old Mrs. Greene directed her anger towards Hayley, exclaiming, "Hayley, can't you see what kind of man you're married to? He doesn't have an ounce of respect for me. How can you defend such a useless husband?"Tory, who harbored jealousy towards Hayley for being chosen by Sc
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Dorothy carefully opened the gift box, and to her amazement, she found a beautiful necklace inside that shimmered and sparkled, resembling a genuine diamond piece. Scott, with a hint of arrogance, informed her, "Mrs. Greene, I got this necklace for you from an auction. It's worth 20,000 dollars."Dorothy was taken aback by Scott's words, left momentarily speechless. Despite her astonishment, she managed to express her gratitude, saying, "Ah, this, I love it. Thank you, thank you very much, but it's too valuable. I can't accept such an expensive gift." However, her actions spoke differently, as she clutched the necklace tightly, fearing it might be taken away from her.Hayley chimed in, advising her mom, "Mom, you should give it back."Trying to reassure Dorothy, Scott replied quckly before Hayley could convince her to return it, "Mrs. Greene, don't worry about the value. I specifically looked for this necklace because I knew it would fit your taste. Just take it as you are accepting i
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Who was Leo? Leo Bishop was a middle aged man and the richest man in Georgia. He was a powerful and influential person that several people admired. However, that powerful Leo was kneeling to someone just by hearing that person's voice alone. If this was said outside, no one would believe it. But of course it was true.While everybody knew that Leo Bishop was powerful, people didn't know that without a powerful backer, he couldn't have been in such a position. Infact the Bishop Group headed by Leo wasn't truly his. There was nothing wrong saying Leo was just a caretaker for his backer. Finally, the owner of the commanding voice stepped out from his hidden corner and switched on the light, revealing himself to be Elijah.Elijah looked at Leo coldly as he took a seat on the sofa and crossed his legs. "I'm sure you must have been happy when you didn't hear from me since and was already planning to take over my properties."Leo, still kowtowing, immediately responded, "No, Junior young m
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No other person was in the house at the moment. Dorothy had gone to be with her friends as usual and Hayley just left the house so Elijah took out his phone immediately and made a call, "Hello, Leo find out my wife's current whereabouts. Her name is Hayley Greene." Then he hung up.The reason he had to tell Leo his wife's name was that last night he didn't allow Leo know about his wife or his wife's family so Leo didnt dare investigate it but now he didn't care anymore.From Hayley's words, he was worried about her but he didn't know where she had gone exactly and she had said she didn't want him to go out so his only option was Leo.As for Hayley, she had gone for a meeting with Mr. John. Mr. John worked for a sports company. Infact you could say he held a high position in the sports company and as such, the Greene family wanted to clench a contract from him to be the manufacturer and supplier of their sports clothing for a particular period of time. Old Mrs. Greene had given Hayle
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