
The plan to let the Princess be the face of the proposed revolution was a great success as many people form Alophia gathered in the city square in front of a rather makeshift platform that was thrown together to hear what she had to say.

Roseline stepped onto the stage and the crowd grew silent.

Using magic, she amplified her voice so she could be heard amongst all the onlookers.

“Thank you, people of Alophia city, for coming out to day to hear my proclamation. As you know, I am Princess Roseline of Verglacia. I have come to let you know about the wrongdoings of my father. Did it seem strange to you, all the wars we were fighting with the other nations seemed to give no results, other than throw away the lives of our soldiers?”

She paused and the crowd began agree, some shouted while others just nodded their heads.

“It did to me. With further investigation by a colleague of mine found out about a certain ore the Monarch has been g

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