My Income Multiplier System

16 ratings

My Income Multiplier System

By: Max_Effort OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 72 views: 36.4K

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Liam Walker, the infamous lived-in son-in-law of the Henson family had been cheated on by his wife. Instead of feeling sorry of her action, his wife blamed him for being useless instead and divorced him. Homeless and with nowhere to go, Liam was in a tough position until a system bonded itself with him. [Income Multiplier System has been successfully installed! Any income you earned shall be multiplied! Become the most wealthy businessman in the world!] [You have successfully sold a Lamborghini sports car! Income multiplied by 100!] Watch Liam Walker walks his path to become the first quadrillionaire and take revenge on those that had wronged him!

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CommentsLeave your review on App
  • Parnika Agarawal


    One of the best books on this app / site. Though I would recommend author to work more on challenges faced by mc while earning money . Still loved it a loooooots ...️

    2024-05-29 03:43:51
  • Majara Ali


    This author is very lazy. No new chapters for 2 months!!!!

    2023-12-24 19:12:54
  • stick-0


    love it so much

    2023-10-30 07:17:06
  • LIGht Pen


    An exciting read! Made me want to be rich too (cries sadly) He even showed respect to who deserved it, a nice MC that was realistic and not too harsh. I love it. hehehehe I read from other reviews that updates were slow but that wouldn't deter me. I'll just let it sleep in my collections. Good luck

    2023-09-09 18:55:00
  • Sachin Kushwaha


    bro do you know what 38 trillion dollars means??

    2023-08-21 05:33:35
  • Chirag


    Hey writer, If you want your novel to reach to more masses. I would suggest that you post more chapters on daily basis. I have read a lot of novels and this is my 2 bits. Thanks.

    2023-08-21 00:57:14
  • Chirag


    Good book and juicy content

    2023-08-20 05:01:39
  • Max_Effort


    Hi guys, author here! If you find the book entertaining, please leave a review!

    2023-08-03 00:20:46
  • Erin Molina


    Sucks that the last 3 chapters on my end to be the exact same one this gets corrected then I am willing to rerate this book

    2023-10-11 03:50:45
  • Majara Ali


    Still on chapter 72 since August 2023?

    2024-02-10 07:07:42
  • BLU


    It’s been along time since we have gotten any updates please update

    2024-01-15 02:03:34
  • BLU


    Sucks that you stopped updating

    2024-03-17 10:48:24
  • Majara Ali


    It’s a great story but the huge turn off is a laziness to update chapters. Is it even normal to post one chapter per week? Please take your craft serious

    2023-08-09 23:38:27
  • Chi- Net'O


    more chapters is needed hahaha so good

    2023-11-06 01:22:57
  • Ift GenSan


    Excellent story

    2023-09-23 10:39:21
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Latest Chapter
72 chapters
Chapter 1
“So? Did you get me the condom like what I’ve instructed you to do in the doordash app?” In the grand and extravagant hallway of Millenia Hotel, Liam Walker was put in a tough spot by a customer dressed solely in a bathrobe. Standing in the doorway with the delivery food in his hands, Liam could only utter an apology to the customer. “Didn’t I say that I will reward you handsomely with tips if you help me with the purchase of a condom? What do you mean you are sorry?” The thirty year old looking man berated Liam as if Liam was his servant before shoving him a hundred dollar bill into Liam’s hands without his consent. “Look. I don’t care. Go and get me a condom right now! Keep the change while you are at it!” “Sorry sir, I have to decline. This is my last delivery job for the day. I have to return home early to my wife.” Liam rejected firmly. He needed to return to his wife. It was their one year wedding anniversary tonight, and even though his wife had told him that she wou
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Chapter 2
"Multipler… system?"“What is this? A hallucination? I’m hearing strange noises in my head…” Liam mumbled to himself while he was lying on the ground in serious pain.He could clearly hear a mechanical female voice ringing in his head, however, he assumed that he must have been injured in the head due to the nonsensical words he heard.With intense pain all over his body, it took him all his remaining strength to pick himself up from the ground. Those guards had done quite a number on him.And after what seemed like an indeterminable amount of time had passed, he finally managed to sit up right with his body leaned heavily against the wall.However, before he could catch his breath, Liam was stunned by the absurdity of the sight in front of his eyes.In his sight, there was a large blue translucent screen that occupied almost the entirety of his vision.[Ding! Congratulations on activating the Income-Multiplier System! You have been selected by the system.][Every month you are tasked
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Chapter 3
“Ring!”The next morning, Liam arrived in a tiny Italian restaurant located deep inside an alleyway, some distance away from the main street.If it wasn't for the wooden sign depicting a chef with a cheesy mustache, he would have never noticed that a restaurant was opened in such a desolate place.Entering the door with a nervous expression, Liam proceeded on with careful steps.He was here to propose a business proposition to the owner of this establishment and he could not afford to fail. The system was his only hope.There were only eight more days until the end of July to complete the mission given by the system. And after some calculation from him, he had figured that there was no way he could achieve the target profit by continuing as a food delivery driver with the limited time he had.Furthermore, with his entire body still hurting from the beatings he suffered, it was impossible for him to carry out physical labor. Several cuts and bruises on his face were still visible on h
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Chapter 4
“Hey! Where are you looking? My eyes are up here!” Penelope pouted her lips.Inside a department store, Penelope was standing outside the fitting room dressed in a white t-shirt fitted with a black tie while her lower half was covered with a black apron. Instead of covering her body lines, the typical waitress attire she was wearing further accentuates the splendid curves of her body so much so that Liam was caught staring at her."I’m looking at you.” Liam answered honestly, blinking his eyes without any ulterior motive. He truly thought that Penelope looked amazing.“What are you saying?” Penelope’s face became flushed red when she heard Liam’s honest reply. To be honest, Liam was decent looking and looked to be around the same age as her. It would be lying to say that she did not have a tinge of interest about him.Trying to avoid embarrassment, Penelope quickly changed the topic. “I have never met someone as crazy as you. Throwing half a million away in a seven-day promotion ev
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Chapter 5
Days went by fast with how busy Liam was.On day two of the promotion, Olive Park managed to pull in $2300 which landed Liam with $48,300. The increase in income boosted Liam’s confidence in his plan.On day three, the queue of customers was so massive that it reached the main street and even alerted the local news station to cover a special piece in the local news.And by day seven, the entire internet was filled with news of Olive Park where customers can eat a scrupulous two-course meal with just a dollar.Multiple influencers, food critics and even a few less known celebrities had visited Olive Park to try the food, further bringing the story of Olive Park into the public.“Did you know about the story of Olive Park? The owner of the restaurant was so confident about his food that he loaned half a million dollars for this marketing stunt! If there’s no returning customers after the discount is over, he will be bankrupt from the loan!”“Seriously? The cost of ingredients itself wou
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Chapter 6
[Ding!][You’ve earned $41611.50. Multiplier applied. You’ve received $1248345.][Congrats on earning your first million!][For earning your first million, you are given the ‘Eye of Midas’! Everyday, you are given 3 opportunities to find out an object or person’s net worth.][Every month you are tasked to earn a target profit in a particular business sector. As long as the income earned is through rightful means, a random multiplier will be applied on the income.][Failure to reach target profit will result in the disappearance of the system.][August Target Profit: Delve into the Antique Business and achieve a net profit of hundred million dollars!][Multiplier Effect X100 on all income streams in the Antique sector in the month of August.]“100 times the income?! This is it! If I manage to complete the mission successfully, I will make a big leap towards my goal of revenge!” Liam thought to himself.But after some pondering by himself, he snapped out of his delusion.“I know nothing
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Chapter 7
“I’ve come as you’ve requested. What do you want from me? Shoot it!” As Liam walked into the Henson’s family manor, he asked in a cold tone.Along with his brother-in-law and mother-in-law, Grace was present as well. With Grace’s mother sitting in a dining chair, Allen and Grace were standing beside her.“Do you see the divorce papers at the table? Sign it!” Grace pointed to the table and demanded. “Andrew Mason from the prestigious Mason family will be marrying my daughter this upcoming month. You are going to sign the papers right now and stop clinging to my daughter like a bum! Or else, hmph! Breaking a leg or two of yours won’t be too difficult for us!” Liam’s mother-in-law threatened Liam.“Fine for me. But let me say this. You all will regret doing this to me!” Liam said coldly as his eyes stared at all of them.“You!” Grace’s mother pointed at Liam angrily and wanted to retort, but ultimately backed down. Just from looking at Liam’s fierce expression, she could feel a chill d
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Chapter 8
It was a wooden horse made of modern dark wood. The horse was roughly the size of a human’s palm.What’s peculiar about the horse though was the poor workmanship of the horse and how ugly it was. When placed together with the rest of the attractive counterfeit antiques that the vendor was trying to sell, it stood out like a sore thumb.“Hey, shop owner, what’s the story with this wooden horse?” Liam asked the shop owner while showing him the ugly horse carving.”“You mean this horse?” The shop owner squinted his eyes and observed Liam for a while before replying. “That’s a family heirloom passed down by my great grandfather. It was a palace toy that was played by the famous emperor Kang at around 500 B.C ! If you like it, I will sell this beloved antique of mine for thirty thousand dollars. No more and no less!”“Come on now. You know it’s a bullshit story.” Liam laughed. It was obvious the vendors in Monro street were trying to jack up prices to fool the customers.Nonetheless, it w
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Chapter 9
As Liam turned around, a sweet aroma fragrance filled his nostrils and he was awestruck by the owner of the sweet voice.The owner of the voice looked to be in her mid twenties. Sporting long hazel brown hair with a simplistic braid woven together with interlaced strands of her hair tucked behind her left ear, she looked incredibly bewitching.However, what made her stand out was her transcendental beauty. Her small face was as if it was personally shaped and carved out by a goddess with meticulous care throughout the whole carving process.Her thin, long, and slightly curved eyebrows, and her sharp and small nose were like works of art, whereas her small cherry mouth was like the work of a devil, tempting men to taste it at the cost of sacrificing everything.In addition, her large hazel eyes with its long eyelashes looked extremely seductive and mesmerizing. It was as if they could suck out the soul of anyone that got lost in her eyes.Wearing a Louis Vuitton black slim dress with
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Chapter 10
Ashley was taken aback when Liam identified her. She had never thought that a poor-looking guy like Liam would know who she was.Furthermore, judging from how confident he was about the value of the horse carving, it seemed like he had found out the secret hidden inside.In an instant, Liam became extremely mysterious to her.“What is your name?” Ashley asked.“Liam Walker.” Liam replied.“You are the mastermind behind Olive Park’s genius marketing?” Ashley asked urgently, her eyes shone brightly when she heard who Liam was.“That’s right.” Liam gave the confirmation. Although he was surprised that Ashley knew that he was the one behind the marketing stunt when he pushed Giorgio to the front.“Did you receive the fifty thousand tip that I gave to the restaurant?” Ashley asked.“You are the customer that tipped fifty thousand dollars? Why did you do that?” Liam was surprised. He still remembered that it was because of her tip that allowed him to successfully complete the system’s missi
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