Blackwood territory (3)

"The young lord ordered me to ...". Max gestured at Amon that he was carrying on his shoulders.

"Oh ! , another one". The prison guard nodded in understanding . This was not the first time the young lord imprisoned many people that he used for his crazy experiments.

"He is very important to the young lord and the young lord ordered that maximum priority must be given to him and nothing ! , absolutely nothing must happen to him !!".Max said in a solemn tone.

The eyes of the prison guard narrowed slightly as he looked at the figure of Amon with suprise on his face. He did not expect the new prisoner to be so important to the young lord.

"Don't worry , I will keep my eyes on him ". The prison guard assured Max who nodded slightly and then asked.

"How about the central cell ?".

The prison guard hesitated slightly before commenting.

"The central prison is currently occupied by two people but we can still imprison him there and I will keep my eyes on him ".

"The central priso
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