Chapter 252: Heart Resonance

As we walked back to the Cursebreaker, I could see Isabella constantly surveying the surrounding area for potential threats.

However, many of the gods walking the streets recognized me as the one who razed Excelsis to the ground. The one who brought death and destruction to their realm.

The result, was that they were absolutely terrified of me and made no attempts to approach.

After all, many of them had actually been killed as a result of my actions.

All the while I secretly remained on the lookout for a potential candidate. One goddess from this realm would join us on our ship. They would become mine forever and dedicate their existence to serving me and stopping the Corruption.

But unfortunately, none of these would do. They were weak. I decided to ignore them and focus on something else.

I had other plans, currently.

I would be speaking to Iris and everyone about what she had to show them. They were valuable crew members, so I wanted to see what she had planned.

Once we reached t
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